Nirvana access

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by iiLLmatic, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I paid for a membership and a few days ago the payment processed. When will i get access to the donor boards? like i said, my payment has already processed.
  2. You might not get accepted and get a refund, there is a 50/50 acceptance policy.

  3. AcidTrip! You're so mean! :laughing:

    iiLLmatic - SJ has to switch you over manually. Shouldn't take more than a day or two. :p
  4. well i'd cry a river if that were to happen.

    its been more than two days since my transaction cleared is what i'm saying...
  5. It takes a couple days cuz like jd said he has to add you manually. If it's been more than like 3-4 days then just PM him your order # and he'll fix it for yah :wave:
  6. just thought i'd make a thread to help speed it up. thanks
  7. Hey, did you enter your user name in the box? If so, shoot me your order number for the transaction and I'll make sure SJ checks on it. :)
  8. k its really not that hard to change my membership status....its been a week now since my payment went through and i'm bored of the other subsections.
  9. #9 Misc, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    sign me up too

  10. Did you PM him your order number?

    Don't post your order number on the open forums lol.
  11. You never PM'd anything to me so I've alerted SJ to this.
  12. can you pm me your order # , can't find you back, thx


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