I have two 6in. cool tubes, 1k Phillips agrosomething and 400w that I am gonna use MH (attempting to slow the stretch and add spectrum) to the flower these alleged "girls". The plants (6 Jock Horror and 3 Arjan's haze #1) have been vegging for a couple of weeks under t5's, and they are in roots organic with microhizzals and botanicare pro @ 15 ml/gal/wk. I had a problem with herm on the last go so I will be taking these ladies out of the room 1x/wk and take a good look under their skirts; then put them back in a different orientation for max light exposure. The elbows to connect the two 6 in cool tubes make the two lights farther apart than is what i think best for light coverage. Any ideas of how to best use these lights on nine plants in bloom? This is my second crop and boy am I learning a lot from this site. Maybe after a few successful harvests I will start using CO2, but I still have a lot to learn... Any suggestions would be great! I really want to get good at this...