Nihilism in a nutshell

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by YEM, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. Nihilists put the greatest insignificance on significance all the while the greatest significance on insignificance.

    How can significance be implied on insignificance all the while implying insignificance on significance?

    To me, I have found that nihilist views have the greatest potential for self-destructive behavior. Whenever I find myself in the mindset of, "oh it's meaningless anyways", I break down and rip holes into myself. Yet when I find myself in the mindset of, "oh, everything is so meaningful!", I find myself overthinking and overanalyzing and often projecting my own mind on the events around me.

    Well shucks then, which is it? Meaningful or meaningless? Well, I've found a space inbetween, the non-dual perception of reality and I must say, it is truly and unremarkably incredible. It's not this, it's not that, it just is. Beautiful, naked, raw and as open as the sky. Labels, categorizations, concepts, they all dissolve in this awareness. It's not depressing, it's extremely joyful to perceive nakedly. To perceive without philosophical conotations, to see the undescribable truth.

    And so nihilists and existentialists alike are the two poles in a unified magnetic field. Nihilists focused on non-being as existentialists focused on being, together creating harmony, beyond both truth.
  2. No sir, Nihilism is not practical.
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  3. Yeah man I havent looked into nihilism at all and densernug says its not practical

    but with the words you said up there you're completely right and I fully understand ya

    the funny thing is I was on the brink of this realization yesterday through the Self because I've found for me thats the only right way

    and so I started to get it and then I watched the movie Inception and it definitely helped me understand how everything is so

    I dont need to read the tao anymore but its the same thing...balance

    and i went back and forth like thoughts would start to piss me off and too many would make my brain feel weird either from overthinking or from unconsciously stopping to

    once you find nuetrality and the center you're able to go between both without acting or even happens and its understood its ok or correct
  4. +rep if you understand my post?
  5. I love you.

    [ame=]YouTube - Showbread - Mouth Like A Magazine[/ame]
  6. Tell me something about this least what its about

    or practice understanding...and at least tell me everything you've took from it
  7. Thank you...someone else likes Showbread, niice. :D
  8. woah slow down buddy, you're asking too much of me.

    It's simply just a song by an amazing band called Showbread whose album name is No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical. :p
  9. hahah ooh okay I see

    i gotcha guys
  10. No, Donnie, these men are nihilists.
  11. Really "real" and "unreal" are silly concepts if you think about it. I watch people struggling to understand the nature of existence, and I wonder how they don't see it. It's simply existence. No need to conceptualize.
  12. i feel you. ive come to the conclusion that we just must all be balanced, not too much of this and not too much of that. it applies to everyday life.
  13. Dont be so quick to write off the merit of nihilism.
  14. your right , meaning is found in the thing itself , we create a things meaning as we create it itself

    we try to find meaning forit , outside of it. like when we shout 'this is important because my god said so'. but then we also try to exstiguish the meaning completly saying because nothing outside of it supports is that it has no meaning at all

    but no , meaning exists and is very meaningful but youcannot find meaning for anything outside of the thing itself
  15. Although I respect this statement, it is hard to follow a life in the paths nihilism blazes.
    What is it about it that speaks to you?
  16. As a nihilist, I feel inclined to inform you that I'm completely indifferent to your views. :p

    But seriously, it's comforting to think that this entire existence means nothing. If I mess up, no big deal.

  17. I appreciate the fact that things have no inherit meaning. We create meanings. If there's one thing humanity does well its instilling meaning and value into things that have none. If anything, I think the meaning of things, if there is one, is dictated by our experiences in life, not what we consciously choose. And without the choice, the answer is moot. It doesn't matter.
    I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a determinist nihilist, if such a thing exists.
  18. Nihilism, if understood in a proper way, can be greatly liberating and help you a great deal on your path of pursuing happiness. For other people it may not be. It doesn't matter what they believe. As for you, in the end you must depart even with nihilism or whatever else you think the truth is.

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