Do It Mean Anyting If I Have Night Mares Bout My Self Gettin Killed Alot? Like Could That Be BC I Smoke Weed Before I Go To Bed? Or Just Havin A Brain Injury? Like Just Last Night I Hada Nightmare That People Lock Me Ina Prison With Skin Heads An They Were All Takin Turns Water Boarding Me For Fun Just BC I Am A Black Girl. Some Other Nights I Have Had Worse Ones Too. So I Ask Do It Mean Anyting Or BC I Get High Before Sleep Or What? ~Toni~
Hey Toni. I'm guessing this dream, along with your fear of going out into public, has something to do with the trauma you experienced before you came to America. I don't think I've ever heard of a black girl being water boarded by skinheads in America, have you? This seems like an unreasonable fear but I'd guess most nightmares are unreasonable. I must have lived a privileged life because I've never seen a skinhead other than in movies that promote outdated racists beliefs. As far as the pot causing your nightmares, I doubt that has anything to do with it. THC has been shown to decrease nightmares, not promote them. Nightmares and the Cannabinoids - PMC (
Ya I Mean I Never Even Seen A SkinHead Either But That Was Just The Most Recent Nightmare They Don All Have Skinheads In Them In Fact That Was The 1st Times For Me IDK Why I Dream It Tho But Other Times I Get Killed Too In My Dreams It Gets Old BC I Always Wake Up Scared With My Heart Racin. Thank For The Info Tho I Glad Weed Not Causin It. ~Toni~
Yeah, me too. I mean if I was having nightmares I'd be glad it wasn't the weed because there's no way I'd give up my evening oil capsule regardless of nightmares. Maybe if Freddy actually came out of a dream and scraped his fingernails up side my face I'd give it up but until that happens, I'm not giving up pot......I hope that thought doesn't make you have a dream about Freddy
When I was young I brought a black girl to a punk club full of skin heads and they never looked at us or bothered us or anything. I think you been watching too much netflix and the propaganda machine. Also, smoking lots of weed all the time makes your dreams go away. It prevents you from getting real deep sleep and dreams. Now when you quit smoking weed, that's a whole different story!
Thats Nice Of You. Well IK There Reguler Nice Skin Heads An Then There Also Racist Kind In Gangs Too. The Ones In My Nightmare Last Night Was The Prison Gang Kind. ~Toni~
Ya You Probably Right. Thanks Lid I Appreciate You Pointin That Out I Never Would Have Thought Of It My Self. ~Toni~
Also, it doesn't need to be THC weed. Using CBD is good for you, but it will also steal your dreams. This was published a short while ago... stuffy white papers Get a bunch of CBD gummies and use em each day, helps a lot of people sleep zzzz I get bad dreams too though. Mostly it's my wife trying to kill me, and I think she'd look silly bald.
I Usually Have Fun Dreams Like When I Get Special Powers Or Ina Surreal Place An Those Most Common Then The Bad Ones Where I Get Killed By Stuff Fortunately. Thanks For The Info. I Hope You Don Have That Bad Dream Again. ~Toni~
I hate dying in my dreams :/ they say you die in real life, but that's bs, cuz u and me we know cuz its happened to us. Like falling off a building and feeling the fall and then BOOM and the u realize yur dead. ugh personally, I'd be more worried about MS13 where yur at. Now those guys are much scarier. "doc, I have this horrible reoccurring nightmare that the MS13 gang keep trying to give me tattoos"
Ya It Not True You Die IRL But It Can Scare You Really Alot With When You Wake Up An Feel Like It Real Until You Realize It Wasa Night Mare. Lol I Have Alotta Tattoos But Just Not On My Face I Would Not Do That Too Pretty. Tho I Do Have My Bottom Lip An An Also My Toungue Pierced Lol. LMAO At Your Last Comment Bout MS13.Funny Trojan. You Right They Are Scary AF Tho. ~Toni~
I rarely have nightmares. Mostly social situations, never had a monster dream. Sometimes I'm floating in the water next to a tall shore/cliff with humongous waves.
I Remember A While Back In My Nightmares I Was Gettin Chased By These Floaty Robot Tings With Sharp Blade Tings On The Front An They Chase Me Into A Corner An Come At Me An I Push It Away But Then 2 More Came At The Same Times An 1 Stab It Self In My Thigh An The Other Stab It Self Into My Belly An I Died In That 1 Too I Slump Over An My Vision Start To Fade An Then I Woke Up An Was Scared Enough To Wake My Husband But He Say Dreams Don Mean Anyting. That 1 Give Me A Migraine Tho. ~Toni~
Also This Notta Bad Dream IMO But I Dreamed Before That A Red Hair Vampire Queen Came To My Window An Convince Me To Let Her In An She Say She Will Turn Me Into 1 Vampire Too An I Can Run Wild With Her At Nights. So She Did It An I Turn My Whole Family Too An We All Hunt Together Lol. ~Toni~