so every night i actually sleep at my house, i smoke a bowl or two on my back porch come inside make a pop tart to eat or something similar get something to drink. then i go up stairs to my room and either go right to sleep or get online and listen to music and i have to do that through headphones.... alright well tonight after coming after eating a few of those chocolate chip ego waffles i come up stairs climb into bed with my lap top and i my headphones are no where to be found im freaking out hahaha i tore my room apart 6 times cant find em at all. im also baked as hell right now, so there probably right in front of my face haha. just felt like sharing fellow blades since i can't watch a movie maybe ill go to sleep or something haha.... well back to looking!
never found my headphones, bought some new ones today though. but smoked another bowl and passed out. and i would have read a book but i can't focus to read a book stoned, and i need a new book to read.... reading that story sober it made no fucking sense at all
I'm not really sure at the moment i need to spend a day at borders and find a book to read... and i mean it made sense, just didnt make sense as to why i posted it haha.
I once atempted to read a book stoned. Read the first sentenced and kept forgetting what was being said. Now i stick to what i know best, MAGAZINES. Gotta love all the pictures
haha this, i got hella baked and tried to read a book, kept rereading the first sentence over and over literally kept forgettin it
Happens to me all the time when I'm stoned. Even reading medium-long posts on here when I'm stoned is quite difficult.
I can read some things stoned, but if it's too heavily worded I usually wait until soberness returns. I get that rereading the first sentence problem too. Reading when you're half-baked though is nice.
If your looking for some sick books check out Dean Koontz. hes a beast ass writer, mostly serial killer books, very awesome book that make you KEEP READING. I read a 400 page book in one day rofl.