Nichiren Buddhist teachings

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by BuddhistStoner, May 11, 2011.

  1. So I have been studying some of the writings from Rissho Kosei Kai (a Buddhist organization that reveres the Lotus Sutra taught by the Buddha) and Nichiren Daishonin's writings (He was a 13th century priest who said that the Lotus Sutra was the highest teaching and taught it as his own school though he was only seeing himself as reviving the true tradition of Tendai Buddhism which also reveres the Lotus Sutra). Anyways there is some deep shit in there.

    Firstly these types of Buddhist uphold that the Lotus Sutra was the greatest of all the Buddha's teachings because the Buddha said that he has never taught it before. It is also a sutra that the Buddha talked about a lot of deep stuff about enlightenment and life.

    So Rissho Kosei Kai and Nichiren Buddhists revere the Lotus Sutra.

    They say that the Lotus Sutra is the Eternal Truth that the Buddha realized. So they say it is his enlightenment. So they actually revere the Lotus Sutra as being the Dharma or the Eternal truth. They see Shakyamuni (Buddha's) life as being infused into the writings.

    In this text it speaks about how the Buddha describes himself as not having been enlightened in his life time only. He said he has been enlightened for many kalpas which is a measuring system which is pretty much meaning an infinite number. What they believe is this is saying that He (the Buddha) has always been this (the truth). That he is the One life in which all things come out of and are. Meaning he is the One Mind. So that means the same for us. Because in the sutra the Buddha talks about even us ordinary people and even with earthly desires can become Buddha's by revering the sutra. So if we become a Buddha we realize we are part of that eternal life that is beyond name and form.

    Another key teaching this teaches is that there is multi levels and realms of existence. This also means that there is simultaneous actions of the past present and future. That means the past is happening now as the future is. This is a crazy quantum theory, but it may actually be true and the Buddha speaks of this.

    Also since the past, present, and future are occuring all at once, the Nichiren Buddhist and Rissho Kosei Kai say that we can become enlightened here and now.

    Another thing the text speaks of is that the disciples of the Buddha say emanations of the Buddha in the 10 corners. So basically they were seeing emanations of the Buddha everywhere in the universe. This means that the truth of the one life is true in every part of the universe. Everything is this one thing. The inorganic material and quantum particles are also seen as alive and having life within this one mind. So everything is interdependent and affecting everything else. That means you make a cause and there is and affect on not just you but the environment and the environment also affects you and other causes and conditions.

    The method...

    In Nichiren Buddhism and Rissho Kosei kai they teach to recite the Lotus Sutra and to revere it as Buddha's body or enlightenment. The main practice along with the Lotus Sutra reciting is chanting of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

    This is basically stating devotion to the Lotus teaching of the wonderful Dharma. But to Nichiren Daishonin this meant Namu (Devotion) is directed to the sutra (Myoho Renge Kyo). So in these letters he says contains all of the Lotus Sutra. He said Buddha out of his compassion gives us this practice in this evil age to make it easier to become Buddha's. They say if you revere the mystic law (myoho renge kyo) the law of life you will realize oneness with this law and thus you are also the Eternal Buddha. :smoke: damn so blazed right now
  2. A buddhist patriarch and follower of Soto Zen wrote in 1241 that:
    "The practice-and-experience of anuttara-samyak-sambohdi sometimes relies on good counselors and sometimes relies on the sutras."

    Somewhat later:
    "... the sutras are transmitted and retained on the trees and rocks, are spread through the fields and through the villages, are expounded by lands of dust, and are lectured by space."

    In the same lecture, he goes on to say:
    When the mind is in delusion, the Flower of Dharma turns.
    When the mind is in realization, we turn the Flower of Dharma.
    Unless we are clear about ourselves, however long we recite the sutra,
    It will become an enemy because of its meanings.
    Without intention the mind is right.
    With intention the mind becomes wrong.
    When we transcend both with and without,
    We ride eternally in the white ox cart.

    He finishes:
    "In the house of the Buddhist patriarchs, some experience it directly and some do not experience it directly, but reading sutras and requesting the benefit of the teaching are the common tools of everyday life."

    i agree with Dogen that Zazen and chanting the sutras and reading the sutras is just a tool. I chanted the lotus sutra for a while, with good to mixed results. Basically, i discovered in the fullness of time that i don't like chanting. LOL.

    Its funny, that while i was in that chanting mode, the Dali Lama came to my town (Phoenix at the time). I asked some of my friends if they wanted to go see him. They declined because he was of the wrong sect. Well actually I think they described Tibetan buddhism as belonging to the Hinayana tradition. I don't get that.
  3. yea for sure some Nichiren Buddhist have negative views of other sects. Thats why I like Rissho Kosei Kai. There is not really any of this. The founder Nikkyo Nawano even quotes Zen masters etc. The practice is mainly sutra chanting and myoho renge kyo in action.

  4. As an extension to what you are saying ... I remember a teaching on "expedient means". Where is that?
  5. Exactly expedient means are very interesting. In a way Nichiren's writings present the Lotus Sutra as the Ultimate Sutra and that only through the Lotus Sutra can one become enlightened, but in another way it seems that the Buddha has expounded many sutras and means to deliver us so therefore other paths are just as valid. It is a subject of dogma to get too attached to a particular sutra. I do understand Nichiren's view, but who is going to go up to Thich Nhat Hanh and say that he is doing it wrong and needs to practice Nichiren Buddhism?
    Thats why for me I cannot officially be buddhist, because I am afraid of becoming one who is attached to a particular sect or group.

  6. I agree completely with one addition.

    Practice (meditation/chanting) however, is buddha - unless it is tainted. So if you meditate using a buddhist style, you are unavoidably buddhist at least during meditation.

    That observation, after i accepted it, saved me from wondering and becoming attached to the idea of not being attached to the name. ;)

    Also, unlike most i don't mind labels.
  7. damn very deep. Your right.

    btw since you know a little bit about this japanese Buddhist tradition, have you ever heared of Jodo Shinshu
    Buddhism? It is an interesting sect and in some ways it can have a zen like approach to it. But the methodology is significantly different than other sects.

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