So I'm UK and the majority of smoking (for most people) done over here is spliffs...I bong to get high and I smoke spliffs to taste. Nothing more fun than rolling crazy ass spliffs so gonna post a few and maybe do some nice video/picture tutorials that I've been thinking about doing since joining another forum/reviews website. (Anyone who has heard of "Chubbs" will know it). Anyway to start off heres my reknowned "waterworks" as the spliffs are attached like plumbing pipes haha Took a good 10 minutes to roll and is comprise of one long roach with a spliff on each end like this with a hole in the middle....thats where the toking roach/tube is fitted. spliff roach spliff >>>>>>---o---<<<<<<< This is called a sidewinder and then I though why not add another spliff! So cut a tiny whole out and rolled a spliff and slotted it in...full suction and all burned perfectly. Right hand cross was some Jack Herer Left hand cross was some PERFECT Critical Kush Straight shot was just some mad dank Cheese smelt like well matured cheddar haha Needless to say each toke was sublime!
Cheers guys yeh I agree much prefer my glass/glass should be getting an Illadelph when I head over to the states to see my cousins but like I said....bongs are for getting ripped and spliffs are for taste and relaxation peace tokers.
Nice pic dude. Looks legit. I love joints/spliffs aswell. Oh here I forgot..."GLASS IS AWESOME HURRR DURRR I JUST HAD TO SAY IT. IN A SPLIFF THREAD".
Lmao... I love good old sass in the evening. Well put though. Awesome contraption you rolled yourself, man!