So after talking with the guys I share the apartament with, we agreed to use this room you see in the pictures below, as grow room. I would like to use this thread as a work journal, to see how the project goes and receive all your suggestion to improve it. It's a nice space and has very good potential in my opinion. Notice there's a small window very useful for ducting purpouse. First part of the project: 1)Full cleaning 2)Painting all plain white inside. 3)Build a light proof sort of "screen" between the door and the grow area. I have a 9 story building in front of me and I don't want some sort of "horror movie" glowing from the door or anyone looking when I go in/out. Idea is to enter, close the door behind, and then enter grow room. 5)I have about 25 plants vegging under 400 watt, THC bomb regular seeds, so I expect in the worst scenario to came up with about the half of the actual plants. Let's say 10/12 females, I'll transfer the girls as soon as I finished the painting and light proof screen. My first plan was to go buy 2x600 watter for a kickass grow, but after a lot of thinking, and not for a budget problem, I decided to finish a complete grow indoor, with what I have, and see what happens, learning as much as I can. The outside temp is very low, a simple air intake grille I've tested is able to bring in enough fresh air to cool down temp, and a 12" pc fan attached to ducting going outside, is pulling away the "hot" air very easily. I'm placing anyway a common house fan to move air around Actually I have a 400 watt HPS plus some 4 additional 2700K CFLs (about 75 real watt with 7500 lumen each). I plan to make a scrog and see what I can get. In the next weeks/month I'll buy more powerful wattage and a proper ventilation system. Basically my project is starting with what I have and upgrading power and quality as the thing goes on. I don't want to come up wasting money, while I still have to learn a lot. Bonus pic.
So today I had some spare time and I decided to start the project, many people would just trow the plants there and attach a light on the ceiling, but I want to do a clean job. A clean job always pay back. 1) Cleaned the room from dust, garbage, spider webs, found some scary animals too (OK) 2) Repaired all cracks/holes in the wall with cement, to have a polite surface to apply the paint (Ok) 3) I don't like to sleep/live in a crappy room full fo garbages and mold, neither my girls, I think ;-) 3) The floor. here I have a question: what should I put on the floor? My plan is to use some wood pallet and pin on them some panda film. I thought applying a little inclination to them, so the surplus water can flow to a collecting bucket/ducting/ flux capacitor (oh don't mind this is for another project). We don't want the water slowly goes to the below apartament and someone comes knocking at our door, right? I wait the cement drying, tomorrow I'll apply the white paint and post pics. In future I plan to fill the room in mylar, but in my opinion a fresh white paint is always good to preserve the wall and ensure a clean starting environment. After the painting job, as mentioned in my first post, I must install a sort of secondary door. white
Hi again Today I peered into my mailbox and found my new seeds arrived Feeling well motivated, I decided to not wait anymore and go paint the shed. I've also found that scratching the floor and cleaning it very well, i can paint it flat white with a good result. The problem I can't remove those 2 things on the right side, unless I want to tear apart half of the wall. Maybe they'll become sort of useful as support for something. 1) Painting (80%) completed 2) Missing the second door (I'll buy the wood tomorrow) 3) I want to remove that window and put a fixed wood panel with the 4" or 6" flange. Any advice / comment would be appreciated
Today I finished the painting, did a second run, and painted also the floor (went better than expected). I removed the window, cracked its glass and put instead a wood panel with 4" hole for the flange. I just need to drill 2 holes for the lamp and almost ready to move the girl there! [I'll upload the pics later here, with dry paint]
Finished the painting, finally. I've removed the glass from the window and glued instead a wood panel, where I'm going to drill ducting hole. I'm going to the hardware store to buy the hooks for the light. I'll put an horyzontal bar, I don't like the idea to attach it to the ceiling.
Today I went to buy all the rest of the stuff. Wood, hooks for the light, and some drilling accessories.
Okay, the boring part is almost finished. I plan to pin panda film to that wood framing you see I have added. I plan tomorrow to move the plants in :-D
If it's an issue with the image hosting website, try out imgur (if you have not already). They seem pretty reliable! I want pics!!
Hello fellow blades Sorry for disappearing, but had some trouble with work and family... I don't have much time at this moment to write a detailed post. I took some pictures and as soon as possible I will edit out and comment them with more details. Atm I have 11 Plants, about 4 weeks in to flowering, I've made a sort of scrog and a little co2 system you see in the lower left. On upper right I've put a 20 liters water tank with a tube, so I fill it up with water, add the nutes, mix, and can water them easily. Ventilation is an issue because I'm out of $ atm, and cannot afford a good extractor, so I attached to the duct 2 pc fans, one internal, just pushed it in the tube, and the second is pullig air and is attached ouside. The second is one of those bigger ones, from thermaltake. I have issues with cold, I thought the place was well isolated, but even with the lamp on it takes lot of time for the water to dry up, so I cannot water the plants very often. Also they look stunted in the really cold days. I had also many issues with soil ph, I used Bobizz soil, and it was ok at the beginning (5.5) Now, every few days, the ph jump to 7/7.5 I've tried adding a little layer of sand (I took it at the river and washed it) wich is pretty acidic (3.5/4), and now and then I add some citric acid to the water. Tap water here is about 6.5/6.8. As nutes I'm using Biobizz nutes following 1/2 dosage from the schedule that comes with them) I've planted 15 seeds of THC bomb plus the 5 free seeds I've received. 7 turned out to be male and I've discarded 2 of the freebies ones, because were really crappy and awfully small plants. (wonder why they are free) This is my first indoor grow ever, I've always did outdoor, so I had to learn some lessons myself. I've read every howto around, but when it comes to practice, every setup is different. I really hope to come up with something at the end and not have wasted all the time and money building up stuff. So keep in touch I'll be back soon with more details about my build up timeline. p.s.: Now the lamp is just a 400 watt Hps. My goal is to put 2x600 watter and building a small box in one angle for vegging clones and starting seeds, probably with cfls, and, if all goes well using a led panel. Peace DrM.