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Nice places to smoke in your car?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blowin_Kk, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. I always smoke in my car when I'm alone. So usually when I'm stoned, since I live in Chicago, I'll go down a cruise down LSD or downtown. Though sometimes that's a little inconvenient since its about 15 minutes away from where I live. So lately I've been smoking on top of parking garages? Lol I would love to hear what you guys do. Just looking for some place peaceful and chill to enjoy my ganja. Thanks guys :smoking-bong:
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  2. Just go wherever you feel safe honestly. I grew up at the base of the mountains so I used to go for a cruise through mountain roads. Sometimes I would just go for a cruise just to blaze and then come home and play some video games or something. Then go on another blaze cruise an hour or so later.
  3. I got a baseball field about 5 mins from my house, its in a valley and its got a loose rock parking lot. No one ever pulls up down there at night. Its nice to smoke there and look at the stars and shit.
  4. Honestly if you're not in a legal state I highly recommend you only smoke at your house, however if you reallllly like to smoke out and about I suggest a country area, or a long road through the woods.
  5. Personally I just drive around and smoke. I am not exactly in a city environment either though and cops are very nice with the way they treat pot around here. Usually the only time I am smoking is in a car. Rarely smoke at home, blunt rides for days lol.
  6. Me and my friends who smoke all have the "fuck it attitude" so we just smoke where ever and don't really care and sometimes run from the police for sport. But we like to smoke behind buildings that on look the freeway and we will smoke at night and watch the freeway thinking about where they are going and what they are doing with their life. We also smoke in the very back of the drive in movie theater (when it's in seasoned). And I just got back from smoking watching the freeway so I'm pretty baked right now.

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  7. Ya'll smoke and drive at the same time?

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