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Nice pickups this weekend

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m3t4lm4n222, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 m3t4lm4n222, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011 I woke up with a bowl of cereal falling on my head...


    Anyways, I expected my weekend to be quite boring because my dealer (And good friend) was dry but I ended up hanging out with this other friend of mine. Anyways, he tells me hes coming over with a friend of his and i'm like "Whatever." First of all, his other friend turns out to be one of my childhood friends, which was pretty cool, then second..we managed to find someone who would sell us a dub (20 sack) He was the younger brother of a good friend of mine's friend (We hang all the time) so my friend goes to pick it up, and on their way to pick it up they get pulled over. Luckily they didn't have anything on them and the police officer didn't really do anything. So anyways my friends get back with the stuff and its purple and covered with crystals, not to mention the bag had about 1.7G in it. So we where passing between 3 people and I started feeling high after my 2nd hit. It was an extremely smooth smoke, I don't even remember smoking it. Heres a picture of a little nug, I didn't take a picture until we smoked most of it.



    I expected the next day to be boring as well but the same friend came over and we smoked the rest of the purple weed. That day we where kinda strapped for cash, but we managed to get $10. The guy who sold us the purple weed couldn't get us weed that day so we texted this other guy and he said he could get us some weed, but not for about an hour. So we went out to eat, then we got a text back and went to go pickup the weed. So we picked it up, and this stuff was also really crystally and had a brownish look to it. We smoked about 2 bowls (Passing, pretty small bowls) and I was baked. I ended up passing out. When I woke up, it was because a bowl of cereal fell on my face. I tried to take a picture of all of it, but my camera messed up.


    What I usually get

    I usually get mids from my friend. This is a picture of Half an Ounce of High Quality mids. They usually have little to no hairs and the crystals are quite hard to see.


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