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Nice Connecticut Dank ~Blackberry Nirvana~

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Colours, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. #1 Colours, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Some nice dank. Called Blackberry Nirvana. Macro sucks, but it was beautiful looking. Extremely good taste, super smooth, smelt delicious, great body and mind high. Cross strain? Either way, i lost my jar in the car somewhere, so i baggied it and it lost some dankness... :/ still great, but last night when i first got it... wonderful.
    I took all these photos and please don't steal them, that's low when people put up pictures that aren't there buds :mad: But :p anyways... Here they are. Input? [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    And this is what i did after toking on this. Figured out how to do slow shutter flashlight paintings. pretty crazy when you think about what its doing.

    [​IMG]< if your familar with the band...
    [​IMG][​IMG]<2 different LEDs

    Well City residents, off to go above the clouds with my best friend...

    sooo looonnggg :bongin::D
    PS: Sorry about all the pics. its enjoyable i feel.:smoke:
  2. Its odd. Wouldnt let me post in the photos section. sorry :eek:
  3. Looks dense, I always like me some dense nuggets. And BTW who the fuck would steal those low quality pics?? Anyways good lookin shit. Enjoy.
  4. sweet pics, how the hell did ya make them laser photos? and what part of ct are ya from, i'm in the southington area.

  5. Thanks for the comment on the pics :)

    What you do, is, if you have a decent enough camera, set the shutter speed to a really low setting. This leaves the shutter open longer than usual, allowing more light in. capture light movement very well, like car headlights trailing on a highway in photos im sure youve seen. So you make it near or completely dark, and just get a flashlight, lighter, glowstick, whatever, and while the shutter is open you just write in the air i guess haha. google
    slow shutter light writing
    sure theres some demos out there.

    Im up past hartford, windsor locks. Near the mass border 2 or 3 towns above hartford.
    Happy shhhmokin' :wave:

  6. BTW who the fuck would... haha.
    I didnt realize imageshack butchers photos.
    I use a 16 mp camera. usually my photos come out great, but anyways
    Yeah it is dense as hell. Super dank dude, shit makes me feel like a mushroom trip everytime i smoked it this weekend, weeeeeiiirrrddd body high ahhaha.
  7. x2 on pics. I'm from the Danbury Area.
  8. Nvm lol, you answered it right after I posted that. :smoke:

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