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niacin flush

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by starterstoner, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. How long will it take for niacin to clear my system if I smoke premos once a week and take one a day 250 mg.
  2. Smoking once a week likely will not build up enough metabolites in your system to where you'd need niacin.

    Also... Niacin can kill you if you're not deficient in it... It can cause serious heart and liver damage, too... I do not recommend using niacin AT ALL.
  3. I'm with Cottons on this one.
  4. Niacin does not remove weed from your system.
  5. Niacin speeds up your metabolism. A faster metabolism burns fat faster. So yes, Niacin does help clean your system out faster than normal... But it's extremely dangerous, and shouldn't be used for that purpose.
  6. So No, Niacin does not clean your system, Your metabolism does. and niacin isnt as dangerous as you make it seem, I am on a daily dose of 1000mg for my cholesterol.
  7. Are you saying the sports drinks with niacin in them are dangerous?
  8. No, the small dosage in those is alright on occasion, but you shouldn't use sports drinks in replacement of water. Water all natural is delicious! Mmm and your body loves it. Have a sports drink once a day maybe... MAYBE. Still not optimum living level but it will do. :smoking:
  9. instead of niacin pills try some vitamin water, I know they have a shitload of B12 vitamin in it plus you'd be drinking liquids too
  10. Do you really want to risk liver or heart damage?

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