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Niacin and a non DOT pre-employment DT

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ohhsnaplisa, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. So I've been over plenty of threads reading about Niacin and other detoxifying products. I'll delete this post if my question gets answered soon.

    I was curious if anyone knew about the chances of Niacin showing up on a pre-employment DT? I figured they'd know of this method all of us stoners use to turn out clean, I was just curious if they are able to tell if I'm taking Niacin pills when I got for my test on Monday.
    Also, is the recomended dose 200 or 500mg? I've heard both of those numbers and a more definitive answer would be greatly appreciated. I'm skeptical of Niacin but I need this job. Been clean for a month but I need to be 100%, or near it.

    Cheers! And happy toking! :)
  2. a month is fine no need to detox. just drink some green tea and drink half a gallon of water a day./
  3. niacin is just a B-Vitamin. is it illegal to have niacin in your system? just say you take it as a supplement or drink a lot of energy drinks and eat a lot of cereal... either way, regardless, just drink a lot of water and cranberry juice and green tea and a few days before the test buy an athome marijuana test and test your own piss... they're pretty damn accurate if you do it right.

    good luck!
  4. This is wrong I know for a fact that labs test for Niacin levels in your system. If it is to high you will either fail automatically or be sent for a hair test or a Gs/mc 15 ng cut off test. Either one you dont want to have. If it has been 30 days dont over do it and end up feeling the test.

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