
Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by esseff, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. How can you tell when a persons frequency is higher or lower?

  2. By how they act, how they feel, what they see, what they're aware of.

    Experience comes with nothing attached to it - we give it its meaning as we experience it. Whether it is seen as positive or negative is up to each of us. This is directly related to the frequency we resonate at.
  3. How does it relate exactly?

    How can you judge someone as being at a higher frequency then you?
  4. Each of us resonates at a certain frequency. How we think, what we do, what we say, etc, all affect this. The idea is to raise consciousness by increasing our vibration through right thinking and right action. What constitutes right thinking and right action is for each of us to decide of course, but doing what you know to be wrong lowers it, whereas following your passion, your excitement, looking to love and experience joy, helps raise it.
  5. ^^^ I wanted to add another "like".
  6. #46 thoughtware, Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2012
    As I said, I am currently watching death be destroyed. Although I knew from the beginning that although Death was a HUGE enemy - it wasn't fighting back.

    Now I see much more clearly what is happening. Death is simply a lie - albeit a very deep rooted lie. But, still a lie. The battle is a dialog between Adam and the Father. It is the "first cup of coffee" Adam has had with his Father in a very long time. Because of where Adam has been, the Father can explain the Truth about Death in a way Adam can understand. For the first time he sees the Father ABOVE death - and beyond it.

    It is the same as saying that God gave Adam a way to see the TRUE CREATOR - even though the true God is BEYOND CREATION. To see God in this way, the true way, he had to come through death.

    As Adam understands - he understands that it is the DESIRE of wicked men (men that don't know God) that causes all Death.

    Adam understands that to defeat death from ground zero all you need is to ask the Father for two things.

    1) Father, I ask that the desires of wicked men NOT be granted.

    2) Father, I ask that ALL men would know you as I know you.

    And there it is - the beginning of a GREAT shift.

    Edit to add this:

    I am not nearly as good as esseff in making my words easily understood - but I write as I can. :)

    When I prayed about the desires of the "wicked" - that does not mean a "wicked person" - there is no such thing. That image of "wickedness is of man's imagination.

    Instead read what esseff wrote and understand that if one knows an action is wrong - it is a wicked desire. It comes from the "source of wickedness" - rather than the "Source of Truth. Thus, someone who continually does what they know is wrong becomes "numb" to this fact. The do this "wrong" so often it becomes a way of life.

    The habitual following of "wickedness" gives them an outward image that man calls "a wicked person". And, there are varying degrees of this image outwardly. Some wickedness has no outward image. Instead of the image of a "wicked person", think of this person wearing a garment created by the sum total of doing what he knows is wrong. His garment creates his outward image, which often makes him look as he does to others. To some wicked, to others "lost" or "just a guy trying to do the best he can". We have become very used to seeing people as the garments they wear.

    The garments can not be hidden. Meaning, if you sense you are not that great a person, you can't try to create your own garment to make yourself look better. Everyone tries this - but eventually people always see the true garment you wear.

    Instead, these garments have to be REMOVED surgically. They are not easily removed - because they have become a "part" of the person. This is the same as saying one who is numb to their awareness of doing wrong - will not desire to stop doing the wrong thing. Eventually one discovers they are addicted to wrong doing. This simply means one discovers they have come to enjoy their wrong doing as a part of life. Surgical removal begins by destroying the "enjoyment" that comes from engaging the desire to do wickedness.

    So now we see that by not granting the desires of the wicked, they will become AWARE that their actions are wrong because they will start creating PAIN. This is why they will stop doing them. And as they stop - they will discover the TRUE joy they always desired in the first place.

    esseff, is it possible for you to translate this???
  7. #47 dankydankk, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    [quote name='"thoughtware"']

    Same old dankydank, following me from thread to thread to tell me I am wrong. :p

    If you read my last post I tried to describe what I believe I am - an electrician.

    Perhaps I am here to awaken God's other "elect"ricians.

    Perhaps I am simply an amazing storyteller.


    Same old TW, never answering the difficult questions, and speaks in high magnitude about himself because that's what cool kids do. Lol

    no really though, you did use to claim some ridiculous stuff, doesn't seem like as much now which is good. But you still insist on placing yourself on a pedestal, why don't you ever "reveal" the meaning behind the passages in the Bible that speak of allll those FALSE prophets, with "new" words they claim but that Jesus says are delusions of their own mind?

    Why do you not simply 'prove" that I myself am a liar in my attempts to show flaws in your impossible claims, Such as physical death ending, or you being uber special over everyone else?

    Why should we be scared of your made up devil?

    Why if you say the bible is truth, should anyone believe you over it when contradictions arise, it's odd that you can't even stick to your own logic..
  8. [quote name='"esseff"']It is perfectly possible to resonate at a higher frequency. This doesn't make those who do any better then anyone else, only more in-tune with things that become clearer at these frequencies. It is said that we can only understand that which we are already the vibration of. So, for anyone not resonating at these frequencies, they will naturally fill in any shortfall with their own egoic interpretation.[/quote]

    Who is this "they" and yes I agree that some may be more in tuned but I don't agree that that makes them any better, it seems prideful to me.

    Even though you also say it doesn't make a person better, you say those who have higher frequencies are more understanding and can interpert more than others who will just interpret in an egotistical manner.

    To me that seems egotistical in itself, because in my eyes with greater knowledge comes a risk to fall, even Jesus in the Bible was continually being tested to become self centered,

    besides that, do you have an example of two people interpreting (what???) Differently?
  9. I have no interest in arguing about anything. I am only sharing what I believe to be true.

    If you do not beleive it, then be comfortable in what you DO believe - rather than condeming someone elses beliefs. Try sharing what you actually believe - meaning how you live you life and why? Talk about how God helps you do these things better - and how you are learning from him.

    This is better than arguing.
  10. #50 dankydankk, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    [quote name='"thoughtware"']

    I have no interest in arguing about anything. I am only sharing what I believe to be true.

    If you do not beleive it, then be comfortable in what you DO believe - rather than condeming someone elses beliefs. Try sharing what you actually believe - meaning how you live you life and why? Talk about how God helps you do these things better - and how you are learning from him.

    This is better than arguing.[/quote]

    That's great, that is much better iimo.

    Your words say it all, "what I believe to be true"

    Before that statement would read, "what I know to be true"

    That's all I ever wanted to accomplish. even though it wasn't me who caused it I imagine, still great.
  11. I think what you said is pretty clear. But I'll have a go.

    Each of us resonates at our own frequency. Whether we accept it or not, we all know how we feel about the things we do. We all know when we do something wrong and do it anyway, and over time, that inner knowing cannot help but become quieter and quieter until we simply do what we do without thinking about it. This is what conscience is about, and the feeling of it comes in varying degrees.

    We raise and lower our frequency all the time, but who we are is based on an overall balance. Change is a gradual process. Nothing is ever really lost, only our perception of it is. Our potential to raise our vibration is always there, but the price for choosing to experience life at a lower frequency, is that we no longer want to do so. The way we feel when we resonate at lower frequencies feeds the ego, makes us want to be more powerful, to be selfish, and we like it. That is why the world has become as it has - the ego has reigned supreme. We admire those who acquire tremendous wealth, power and control over others, bail out rich banksters when they fuck things up so that they can pay themselves bonuses for having done so. I could go on.

    The longer one remains resonating at a lower frequency, the harder it becomes to choose to raise it. So life must eventually step in so that even though we may have forgotten that there is another way to be, we will one day choose to find it again. This is the idea behind the biblical Adam & Eve story for me.

    While the way we resonate is the result of choice, it is the reason behind why there are religions, once you remove man's corrupting ego from them of course. We are easily lost in the lower realms, and many have been there so long it seems perfectly normal. That is what the 'new age' is all about. Raising consciousness.
  12. i almost overdosed 2 weeks ago....i prayed to god and i stopped sweating and overheating...2 nights ago i got caught drinking and driving....i started to pray to god as i stood next to all of the cops....they let me go!???

    not lying

  13. if you dont learn your lesson that may not happen next time
  14. #54 thoughtware, Jan 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    Story One: The King of Fear

    Many years ago there lived a great King. The King built for himself a magnificent castle, and left it in charge of the Prince and Princess. Soon, the king set out on a long journey - leaving the Prince and Princess with only one instruction - do not wear the king's crown while he is away.

    For many years the Kingdom flourished under the Prince and Princess. However, one morning the royal clothier approached the princess and commented on her attire. "You are truly beautiful", he said, "but, a princess should reflect her royalty in her appearance". Agreeing with the royal clothier, for after all he understood royalty, she commented to the prince that he should try on the crown to see how he might appear as king. The prince thought it appropriate, and tried on the kings crown.

    But when the prince put on the crown, he unknowingly put an evil curse upon the entire kingdom. Immediately it was known by the king what he had done. The king, flush with anger, fled back to the castle. When both the prince and princess confessed they had tried on the crown - the King immediately sentenced them to DEATH. There was no mercy.

    Afterwards the kingdom grew restless, for they knew the prince and princess had been killed. Disloyalty and treason grew rampant as people understood the King to be a harsh man. Seeking to regain control of his kingdom - the King made a bold move. He gave birth to another son and sent his son to live among the villagers that he might convince the people that he was actually a loving and merciful king. A king worthy of obeying.

    When the son was of a certain age, the king made a royal decree that the entire kingdom be gathered to him at the front of the castle on a certain day. When the day came, the King dragged his son out of the crowd by his hair and held him in front of the people. The king then shouted to the people "This is my beloved son! He has told you that I am loving and merciful, but you have not listened to him. I have seen your treason and your disloyalty! Because you are such vile people, let this be an example of what I will do to all of you if you do not obey my rule!" And with that, the king removed his dagger and slit his son's throat in front of the crowd.

    The son fell to the ground. Silence and shock fell upon the crowd. The king continued, shouting all the more, "And let it be known that if you STILL do not obey me, then this the death you have witnessed will be TOO good for you! For I will be so angry with you that I will ensure you are tortured long and mercilessly! Obey my rule - or suffer a worse punishment than what you have seen here today!

    From then on, no one dared question the king - for they knew he was a hard man. Treason and disloyalty continued to grow, but some spoke kindly about the king to others because of their fear.

    Story Two: The King of Mercy

    Many years ago there lived a great king. This king was so wise that he could create peace with his very presence. His wisdom was so great, that no one fought against this king - because the king proved he could care for the well-being of all men. This king new the ways of eternal life such that everyone desired to be this kings ally.

    Consequently, everyone in the kingdom trusted that the king's wisdom was best in all situations. People trusted the king - and therefore people trusted other people. But the King, in his wisdom, knew there was a mighty weakness in his kingdom.

    In the kings court there was a prince and princess. They were perfect in their ways - and took council with the King daily. They knew that the king's wisdom was accurate - and that following the ways of the king always led to peace and growth. Yet, the king understood that neither the prince nor the princess could defend themselves should they ever face an unwise king. Because they had only known the perfect wisdom of their king - they were unable to recognize a lie. The king knew the wisdom of the Prince and Princess was incomplete because they only knew trust. As a result, they were unable to understand and protect themselves from deception; neither did they understand the consequences thereof.

    The king created a plan to give the prince and princess THE FULL understanding of HIS wisdom - that they might rule his kingdom perfectly. He instructed his royal clothier to deceive the Prince and Princess so that their wisdom might be made complete. With that, the King left on a long journey and instructed the Prince and Princess not to wear his crown. The clothier did as commanded, and the Prince and Princess trusted in the clothier's good intentions. And for the first time in the history of the kingdom - the king's command was broken.

    The king knew that if even one person broke the kings command - it divided his perfect rule. In his wisdom the king understood that a divided kingdom would lead to ruin - and suffering. A punishment was ordained. The prince and princess would be forced to experience this divided kingdom first hand in order to understand the consequences of disobedience and division.

    The king sent the prince and princess far away - to a foriegn land far outside the realm of the king. In this land, where people died, their "wisdom" remained bottled up - that it might be opened later in order to bring them back to life. Eventually the prince and princes died, their homeland and King a distant memory. Other people were born to them - eventually filling the land with a multitude. These too died, for there was no wisdom of eternal life in the land.

    After many years the wise King sought to end the punishment - and restore his wisdom to the people. He traveled to the land and announced that the punishment had ended. He instructed the people how to walk in wisdom that the land may be refreshed and all the people rescued. For the king knew that once his wisdom ruled the land, all the bottles of wisdom from those who had died could be opened.

    Yet, the people would not accept the king's wisdom because it seemed foolishness to them. Every man, woman and child lived by their own wisdom, and preferred it over the seemingly foolish wisdom of this strange king. Despite many displays of his power in wisdom, the king could not persuade the people that his ways led to eternal life. People continued to walk in their OWN wisdom - even though it lead to suffering and death.

    The king understood that once the prince and princess were separated from his wisdom, they would never come back to it. The people of the land revealed that one would always choose their own wisdom - even over the King's wisdom. The people of the land had unknowingly trapped themselves in an eternal pit of suffering and death. Even the King could not bring them out.

    But the King was wise - and knew all things. And he understood that all the suffering the people brought upon themselves and others resulted from their lack of wisdom. So the king set in motion a magnificent plan to save the people through his wisdom.

    The king disguised himself and entered the land - roaming throughout the land as one of the people. In time, his wisdom offended the people so greatly that they thought to kill him. The king, aware of this, allowed it to be so, because he knew HIS wisdom would be bottled up upon his death.

    In time, the bottled wisdom of the king was released into the land. The wisdom was so great that it began to infuse the people. People began to understand the wisdom - because it seemed like their own wisdom. Instead of listening to others, they heard the wisdom within themselves and began to heed it.

    Over time, wisdom of the King permeated the minds of the people - and as expected, this wisdom began to remove death from the land. As more people actually experienced the kings wisdom, more followed it - until the land was refreshed. The kingdom grew less and less divided - until peace once again filled the land.

    The King, restored by the release of his own wisdom, released the wisdom of the prince and princess - that they may be revived to life. The experience of dieing gave them the proper understanding of death and disobedience.

    Their punishment now ended - the prince and princess could now follow the king while protecting themselves and others from all deception. The bottles of wisdom of all those that had died were opened - and each revived to life with the amount of wisdom ordained for each to live their lives perfectly.

    Same story. Two different interpretations.
  15. #55 thoughtware, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
    The Father showed me how salvation works.

    lol, seriously. And I am sharing it with you guys! :)

    Ok, the whole problem starts with this particular verse in the bible:

    Genesis 2:17
    "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

    So, then a BIG problem started because of THIS verse:

    Romans 6:23
    For the wages of sin [is] death, but the gift of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Now you mix these two verses - and WHAM! Instant, stupid religion. A religion that must go something like: Jesus must have died to pay this price -and some day, Jesus will come floating back in his sandals and tell us what's up! Now come to the alter and pray for Jesus to "pay that price for you - so you can "buy" your eternal life!".

    No. That's stupid.

    Jesus came so that he could reveal a way out. You see it in the verse no one has ever understood.

    1 John 5:16
    If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that.

    Jesus came that by the Wisdom he carried and would give to us - he could CLEANSE SIN in order that it could lead to LIFE. That MERCY would be the judgement on sin, rather than death. This how we are saved.

    Sounds weird, I know.

    The sin that leads to death is performed by a person that has no desire to know God or follow God. This will yield punishment that will not be recognized as punishment, it will only be recognized as "increasingly horrible circumstances in one's life" - until that person dies.

    The sin that leads to life is the sin performed by a person that truly desires to know God and follow God. This punishment is recognized as "correction" - and TURNS people from the actions that caused the pain. Your sin creates the "correction" you need to prevent you from deeper ruin. As you heed the correction - your life gets A LOT better. Following God becomes something you desire greatly because it delivers more than you ever hoped for into your life. Things get easier and easier.

    Since obedience leads to life - sin will be used to create obedience in all people, and bring the entire planet to life.

    More later... gotta eat some dinner!

  16. Well, when I do something I feel to be wrong, and especially if I've done it before, I get a feeling that it is wrong (have always felt this feeling when doing something wrong but haven't always recognised what it was), and if I'm open to doing so, I can now look at why that is.

    I have a choice now to accept that the way I feel about it is something I ought to listen to, or I can choose to ignore it. If I choose to listen, I feel released from the feeling that I did something wrong, even though nothing has actually changed other than internally.

    I will often be faced with something like it again at some point, which seems to be a necessary step in order to confirm whether or not something has actually changed. If I do it differently, I take a step forward towards naturally and intuitively doing what feels right in any given situation. What that is becomes clearer and easier to recognise.
  17. I think you can kind of measure it by finding out what level of consciousness you are at.

    Levels of Consciousness

    Not sure how accurate it is but it makes some sense
  18. [quote name='"thoughtware"']The Father showed me how salvation works.

    lol, seriously. And I am sharing it with you guys! :)

    Ok, the whole problem starts with this particular verse in the bible:

    Genesis 2:17
    "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

    So, then a BIG problem started because of THIS verse:

    Romans 6:23
    For the wages of sin [is] death, but the gift of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Now you mix these two verses - and WHAM! Instant, stupid religion. A religion that must go something like: Jesus must have died to pay this price -and some day, Jesus will come floating back in his sandals and tell us what's up! Now come to the alter and pray for Jesus to "pay that price for you - so you can "buy" your eternal life!".

    No. That's stupid.

    Jesus came so that he could reveal a way out. You see it in the verse no one has ever understood.

    1 John 5:16
    If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that.

    Jesus came that by the Wisdom he carried and would give to us - he could CLEANSE SIN in order that it could lead to LIFE. That MERCY would be the judgement on sin, rather than death. This how we are saved.

    Sounds weird, I know.

    The sin that leads to death is performed by a person that has no desire to know God or follow God. This will yield punishment that will not be recognized as punishment, it will only be recognized as "increasingly horrible circumstances in one's life" - until that person dies.

    The sin that leads to life is the sin performed by a person that truly desires to know God and follow God. This punishment is recognized as "correction" - and TURNS people from the actions that caused the pain. Your sin creates the "correction" you need to prevent you from deeper ruin. As you heed the correction - your life gets A LOT better. Following God becomes something you desire greatly because it delivers more than you ever hoped for into your life. Things get easier and easier.

    Since obedience leads to life - sin will be used to create obedience in all people, and bring the entire planet to life.

    More later... gotta eat some dinner!


    That's an interesting take on the subject, I agree with some part's. But I believe that the punishment for a" sinful "life wouldn't effect our physical world. The punishment wouldn't come until the next world, in hell, but not a fiery one my view of hell is much different and non eternal.

    The reason punishment or gratitude for sinful/goods lives isnt received in this life is because in the Bible Abraham (might have been someone else) has all his possessions destroyed, his life basically ruined. This was done by God to prove to the devil that people didn't believe in God to receive physical pleasures
  19. #59 thoughtware, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
    ^^ Dankydankk, definately want to continue this thought with you - but I came today post something specific - and I want to write that first. Then I'll get to you. :)

    I am learning some very interesting things - so I am going to share them with you. Some of this I deeply wonder about!

    First I am feeling more and more comfortable thinking of the Father as "perfect consciousness".

    The reason is that I have never put an image on the Father - and the more I learned from him, the more I knew him to be the EXPERIENCE of Peace, Love, Joy, Trust and even Power. I knew him as a "PRESENCE" that was similar to a "cloud of perfect character traits" that engulfed you. I began to realize that these character traits were slowly dominating my own. The more I spent in his PRESENCE the more I aborbed it. Ultimately it felt like my WISDOM changed - because I understood his character traits at a depth that has increased the POWER in my life.

    What I mean is that over the past two years I have seen DRAMATIC changes in the way I handle every circumstance in my life. I have seen DRAMATIC changes in the way I interact with people and the way people change BECAUSE of my interactions. I am often given words to say to people a day or more before hand. This is what walking in God's power feels like. It feels like you know what to do and what to say in every situation. It seems like every random action you took - in hindsight was PERFECT! And the result is your life starts EXPANDING like crazy. Impossible to describe - you have to experience it for yourself.

    Back to the "consciousness" concept. Thanks to esseff I have a new way to describe what I believe is happening right now.

    In my Story of the King of Mercy - you see that "wisdom" is bottled up when people die. Think of "wisdom" as the "conciousness of specific freqency necessary for a specific living being". So different living beings are segmented according to their frequency or level of consciousness. We see that the King has Perfect Wisdom - thus the amount of consciousness a perfect being needs. Don't try to even comprehend this - you can't because it is the part of your consciousness that does not exist. See, why you can't imagine it?

    Then if perfect consciousness can not be imagined - am I also saying that "God" can not be imagined? Well, yes and no.

    Although Perfect Consciousness (PC) can never be "understood" - it most certainly CAN be "experienced". This is like saying any being of lesser consciousness can enter INTO the presence of PC. And, under the control of the PC, the lesser consciousness may aborb and use any amount of the PC of which it is able. Thus the lesser consciousness ALWAYS lives in bliss because it always operates ABOVE its inherent level of conscioussness. It has become a "god" among similar creations which have not entered into the presence of the PC.

    However, as we saw in the King of Mercy story, even if PC arrived to earth and invited ALL to enter into it - no one actually would. In the King of Mercy story I painted a picture to help you understand why this is, but I'll add a bit more color to the concept here.

    Let's consider that we are discussing people, with certain levels of consciousness, with an ability to gain much greater consciousness. The greater your consciousness - the more POWER you have. Perfect Consciousness translates to Perfect Power - (which translates to "All Mighty" lol!) If access to PC is suddenly made available to all people - what would happen? Nothing at first (more on that later), but eventually people would split into two groups pretty quickly.

    Ok, then would the these groups look like?

    Let's call the first group the "Harmony Seekers". These would DESIRE to gain more consciousness. These are those who realize their own level of consciousness is not sufficient. These are those who understand that their current consciousness leads to words and actions that often "hurt" themselves and others. These want greater consciousness so that they may have greater AWARENESS of how live more in HARMONY with their surroundings.

    Let's call the second group the "Dividers". These DESIRE only to maximize their OWN consciousness - often at the expense of others. They have no desire to even consider abiding in and obeying a PC. These are those who actually view living in harmony as "evil". Don't believe it? Then consider that you can see this clearly in those who desire to live in eternal blessedness while others near them live in "eternal torment". Rather than harmony, they desire DIVISION. You may remember that in one of my first Other Stuff posts I labeled people that hold this divisional belief as those with the mark of the beast.

    It's not their fault really, because those with the divisive "mark of the beast" belief are actually UNABLE to enter into PC because their understanding of "harmony" (love) is completely backwards. They view love as judgemental and divisive (which is the ultimate in "disharmony"). Those who are marked as a "beast" are prevented from entering PC.

    As more of the "Harmony Seekers" enter into PC, the impact on our physical world grows as they begin operating at "higher and higher frequencies" of understanding. They live at greater POWER LEVELS - causing things to change for the better all around them and others. This witness attracts more and more people to PC, all at different times and each grows in the consciousness given it by PC.

    Eventually PC transforms our reality into something altogether more REAL. The low level of consciousness we now live in is like a "shadow" of what would be created by PC. But if no one would even enter PC - how could PC ever have an impact on our reality?

    First, PC has to be understood and identified because it is invisible and undetectable. (Which is the reason no one chooses to enter PC). So, in order to enter PC, one has to be shown the way. And the way could only be made clear by one who who could detect PC - so that PC could be revealed to others. And only one who had an accurate understanding of DEATH could understand the concept of "harmony". Only in this understanding of "harmony" could PC be detected. Remember, if you don't understand harmony, you can not ENTER into PC, thus it can not be detected. Once the PC has been detected - a light could be turned on to attract others.

    The light enables others detect and enter into PC. Those who seek greater harmony with all - can start to learn deep understanding of the character traits that POWER true harmony. I believe I am learning that those who enter in and begin walk in Perfect Understanding/Consciousness/Love are going to begin speaking words of Power - which gradually transforms them into shining, beautiful creations. These will transition into a NEW world that simply GROWS out of this higher level of consciousness. These "people" become infused and a part of this PC forever. These people desire to "live forever" in the PC so that they might continually grow in consciousness and harmony forever. These are those who give up their own consciousness that they may become Perfect. I have told you this before.

    The others will die. It is sad, and in a ways I don't fully understand, this is part of their perfect and merciful judgement. They are supposed to die because this is how they will be broken and then RECREATED into a BETTER vessel. Though all vessels in this creation look like human beings - people should more appropriately be viewed as "Eggs". What is inside, when the vessel/egg dies, is that which is placed into the VESSEL that PC has prepared to hold it. Think of it as the PC carving out a specific level of understanding and placing it WITHIN the NEW VESSEL.

    You can see two different groups. The "Harmony Seekers" are those beings that will live WITHIN the Perfect Understanding - knit together and in perfect harmony with it. Their vessel is INFUSED with PC - always reflecting and creating increasing levels of beauty. Amazing.

    The other group, the Dividers, will have a CREATED VESSEL that contains a specific "amount" of the PC within them. These will be VERY happy, because they will have significantly HIGHER consciousness than they experienced as a human (egg). Yet, these beings are separated from PC/Harmony Makers and will exist amoung the created beings in the new world(s).

    Thus we see that those who are repelled by the belief in "harmony" are the animals/beasts of the new world - and why their belief system always marked them as such.
  20. interesting however when someone attains "PC" as ur calling it..there is no divide..because it is perfect consciousness..theres no grey area...u either have that or u dont and if you have that you recognize all as one so a division among something that knows itself to be one is not possible..jsut an illusion

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