Next Step for Humanity

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Glass Jar, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. We as humans have evolved to now from being bacteria.

    What do you thing we as a species will evolve into in as much time has already passed?

    I think we're more likely to destroy ourselves by then, than to actually survive and turn into some other kind of super-organism that we can't even possibly pretend now.

    Our species is much too individually-thinking compared to others like types of insects or herds of animals. We don't work together towards anything, we each compete to try and beat each other at something. We're barely done anything towards the common goal of the species, and even those things were by accident, resulting from competition.

    Once we become powerful enough to advance as a species, I think we'll just use that technology to destroy others in our species, and it will end in mutually assured destruction war, and we'll just wipe each other out. :wave:

    Think about how we are made up of so many microscopic systems inside of each other. If you think of what we're doing on our planet as one subatomic particle inside of a proton inside of a atom in molecule in cell in tissue in organ in body of another person, whether we completely fuck up our planet or not, can just be part of the quantum mechanics "randomness" of somebody else's world that seems so small to them in comparison.

    :smoking: Disclaimer: I'm super super high, but my friends and I just had a super deep discussion about it and I think it will still be fairly interesting to other people.
  2. Bigger and bigger brains no doubt.
  3. in order for us to "evolve we first have to stop fucking with nature...

    in nature there is a thing we call"natural selection"
    where in the strong survive and the week die
    we have created a society that caters to the week and i dont just mean pysicaly week i mean the stupid as well -the smart and healty are not breading in the way the stuid and unhealthy are so with each generation we have more stupid lasy people and they in turn bread more...and so they are cattered to untill one day we will just be a bunch of stupid lasy fucks who do nothing and begin to go into a reverse form of evolotion?
    in order for us to go forward we need a real plage something that wipes out at least 2/3 of the entire population or more and we have to start over
    dont fuck with nature!!!
    shit works that way for a reson!
    only the strong survive
    servival of the fittest
    its been said many ways and yet we find ways to get arround that

    and its not helping!!!
  4. evolution and breeding are really the same in my opinion, so i think there's a way to approach this.

    to figure out where humans are heading in our evolutionary line, we just need to ask, what are traits that we continuously see being bred into our population? Tallness seems to be a very attractive trait so you could expect in a few hundred years that people will be much taller (if you trace human heights this is obvious). Additionally, based on pure numbers, you can expect that eventually most humans will have dark hair. Blonde hair is a recessive gene so statistics state that eventually the occurrence of blonde in genetic makeup will be minuscule. The same goes for blue eyes. I would also guess a loss of the rest of our body and head hair. As our society becomes more and more accommodating to our physical needs, I think aspects like hair will start to fade.

    I also have to disagree with the dingusus because i think youre thinking that evolution means smarter, healthier, and stronger. That seems natural that we would go from "dumb" to "smart" but i feel like intelligence = survival. that's another talk though.

    I feel like our technological advances are slowing down. In theory I could get in my car in the morning and have it automatically drive me to work on a superhighway with a million other robotic cars all traveling in sync within milliliters of each other. It's not possible because we simply don't have the physical means to build something that powerful. Our planet is just like a deserted island and we're so far stranded on it. We only have X amount of resources to make shit out of and we can only mcguyver so much, if we don't have enough resources to reach a useful planet and physics just doesn't allow the umpteen amount of combinations to get us somewhere more useful than our planet, i feel like we'll just stagnate and eventually run out of shit.
  5. Damn thats pretty intense.
  6. lol im pretty high i dont even remember what i said but i hope its good
  7. I think a few of the above assumptions are incorrect.

    First of all, the poor, uneducated people in the world are the ones that are breeding the most and adding more to the world population. If you take light of this fact, it would stand to reason that the world population is in fact getting more and more ignorant compared to the relative few that are in control.

    This leads to a discussion I had with my friends the other night about whether humanity will branch off into two races, the tall handsome race and the short worker class, like that H.G. Wells book I forget what it's called (Journey to the Center of the Earth maybe?)

    One friend insists that this will be the case because of the desirables only breeding with other desirables, while the working class struggles to get by and has lots of kids taking up the same job positions.

    I think that humanity will eventually completely homogenize though, as a result of globalization. Everybody will have dark hair, half-asian looking faces, and will be much more beautiful looking since what consists of beauty in humans is how average the face looks in all dimensions.

    I think that people will be changing social classes, or having babies between social classes enough so that humanity won't truly break into two.
  8. #8 H2O420, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2009

    If we don't destroy ourselves before hand as you state, I assume we'll evolve into basically this:


    Then we'll probably dabble in biomechanical shit, transferring and/or creating consciousness inside machines or something similar.

    Emotion, eventually, for the sake of survival, will have to be evolved out of. Reproduction will be rendered unnecessary, as such will gender.

    Eventually we'll probably evolve into just pure, concentrated, conscious energy. Start as nothing and end as everything. Matter-less energy, matter-less matter, something like that.

    Hmm.. That's all I can think of right now.

    Probably more far-out than you were looking for :laughing:
  9. I think intelligence is overrated as a survival strategy. I mean, it's never evolved once in the entire history of the world. Not even in humans.

    We're clever. We can do interesting tricks. Raise buildings hundreds of feet high. Build pyramids. Put a man on the surface of the Moon.

    But we're not that smart, are we? We put a man on the Moon and what did we do with that accomplishment? Fuck all. Shit, to even get a man on the Moon it had to be part of a primitive pissing-match between two tribes (The US and the Soviet Union) and once we won it we didn't care enough to go back more than a few times.

    We prized open the atom and what was the best thing we could think of to do with the knowledge we gained? Flatten cities.

    If we manage to survive the next few millennia, which I think is very dubious, then we could really go any direction, couldn't we? Evolution works by a population's adaptation to the challenges it faces over many generations. We might make it into space and become long-term spacefarers. Our civilization might collapse utterly due to ecological ruin and the survivors revert to hunting and gathering long-term for want of resources for anything more intensive. We might become a truly sustainable civilization somehow, learn to live in harmony with all life and eventually become like these wonderful stewards of the Earth, living in symbiosis with the rest of the world. Each possibility would have its own evolutionary path.

    Or we'll kill ourselves.
  10. We will get thinner, our brains will enlarge, and our muscles will atrophy.

    Biomechanics and advanced genetics will completely replace natural human evolution pretty soon though.
  11. #11 dirtydingusus, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2009

    i can see your point...yet dont completely agree...
    and dont think you disagree as much as you may think...perhaps if i had a better way of explaining is natural selection that would alow the weeker dumber to die off in any other species wich has alowed them to evolve to where they are now...and i supose now that i think about what you have to say -that environment would have as much to do with it as anything ..what we do with that wich is available to us and what we teach the next generation about it will affect our growth as much as breading
    everyone wants to be free!!! yet in order to grow we realy need to agree on what to teach about life and liveing it
    sorry if thats confuseing
    in order to live with in our world we will have to come to some kind of universal agreement on how to live and not alow everyone to do whatever they want ...when left to our own humans distroy everything arround them

    mite have to try that again affter a cupple cups of coffee just got up and dont feel i realy got to the point i want to make at all?
  12. Just a general fyi, If you go to the light green bar right above the topmost post on the page, under the "thread tools" menu there's an option to just subscribe without needing to post anything.
  13. I completely agree, this is what I was saying above.

    It seems that every advancement in human civilization has been an attempt to get an edge on another culture/civilization. Very few advancements have been made for the sake of advancing the whole species, most domestic improvements that improve quality of life have been adapted from military research.

    There needs to be a massive change in consciousness and sacrificing personal goals if we want to survive as a species and become a star traveling species. I personally would be ecstatic if a true World Government were formed, then we can forget our stupid country to country quibbles and get on with advancing our species, Star Trek style :p

    Seriously though, I think a World Government is the only way to unite all humanity, not United Nations style either, a true one government that all country/states would pay taxes to and have representatives and have an armed forces. All wars and territorial pissings would be diminished to the scale of neighborhood fights, and they'd be resolved peacefully by a much higher power that everyone would have to pay heed to.
  14. i must also agree...if its not to have one up on the next guy we dont bother....
  15. Think about it though, if there was no competition, then there would be a lack of motivation. I feel as though if we were meant to go out and explore space and whatnot, there would have to be several countries competing to actually get the task accomplished. Competition encourages people to work harder and faster.

    Humanity can advance in just about any way they want to. I'm curious as to which way to choose to go.
  16. We're about to enter the next and the last stage of human evolution. It's called homo-evolutis.
  17. Is this supposed to mean the stage of evolution where we control our own evolution and it's not true natural selection anymore?
  18. Interesting concept.

    Would that not still be natural selection? We're natural, doing the selecting.

    Sadly I think we just may evolve into gods.
  19. I always thought of natural selection as based on which individuals carried over more desirable genetic traits into the next generation, and more of their descendants survived.

    In our day and age, it's not really based on having babies since the poorest people in our world have the most babies. It's about controlling resources and augmenting your own bodies and minds with those resources. If we disagree with another culture, we don't outbreed them, we just destroy them with superior technology.

    I don't think it would be too bad to be a god :p

    I just hope we don't blow up the planet first.
  20. Hmm, I disagree. Intelligence is great for survival. When untainted. However, we humans are not purely driven by our intelligence. In fact, we act less on our smarts than we do our emotions. And there lays the problem: despite our amazing intellectual capacity, we're too strongly affected by emotional impediments. And don't assume that intelligence has not changed at all in the history of mankind. Did you hop in your time machine and run an IQ test on early man? I doubt it. Even if not in any "major" ways, I'm sure we've changed quite a bit since then. Evolution's an ongoing process.

    I doubt mankind will change much naturally. It's more likely any significant changes will be of our own doing, as a result of fiddling with our genes and whatnot. And that just might be the downfall of our species, too.

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