[FONT="]Hydro- I have this in a generic potting soil.[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Type of light?[/FONT][FONT="] Wattage-40 watts, Color Temp. 6500k, Distance- IDK foliage is probably 1 inch from light stem base of plant is probably 4 or 5 inches away , Light Timings- 24/0 I imagine I should change this[/FONT] [FONT="]"Atmosphere" Conditions [/FONT][FONT="](Air Temperature, Humidty, Fan Description, Air Type)[/FONT] [FONT="]Waterings [/FONT][FONT="](Type Of Water- bottled distilled, How Often You Are Watering- once a week, Size of Container- Solo Cup[/FONT] [FONT="]PH Range[/FONT][FONT="] Unsure[/FONT] [FONT="]Nutrients/Supplements[/FONT][FONT="] NONE[/FONT] [FONT="]Pictures if possible! [/FONT][FONT="](Posting pictures can describe the problem for you)[/FONT] [FONT="]Design and Dates[/FONT][FONT="]- This baby is probably 2 weeks old. Ive had it on 24/0 light cycle. Ive seen other people with the problem of the stem lenghtning out… how do I fix this?? What is the next step I should take with this plant….. I want to sex them before moving them outside…. Any tips will help[/FONT]
is it 40 true wats or 40 equal wats. if its 40 equal wats you prob have a 13w true bulb. you need 23 true wats equal to 100 wats. with the light about 3 inches away from the plant
With cfls you can put them an inch away from your plants without fear of them burning, since cfls put out so little heat. You can leave your lights on 24/0 if you want, they'll just take a while longer to sex then plants with say 18/6, no big deal though. You should put more soil in there and bury the stems a bit, put the soil all the way to the top of the cup. The stem you buried will eventually start growing roots. And boom problem all fixed.