Newton's Laws in Philosophy

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by kush100, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. So i was thinking. If every action has an equal but opposite reaction, what are the reactions to thoughts and feelings? They're actions but they seemingly have no reaction. Is the reaction the law of attraction? Not sure. Just stoned and thinking deeply.
  2. The reaction to a thought is how it affects the individual's decisions. Another thought is another direction the individual is going, another viewpoint considered, another perception of the world, another potential decision altered or made.

    Emotion is a reaction to thought and environment.
  3. What if there were reactions to reactions? Things would keep acting and reacting infinitely. Well. Actually i guess you could say that's how the world is made up.
  4. Exactly :)

    Change is made up of nothing but reactions. And everything changes ;)

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