News special report: Debt Agreement

Discussion in 'General' started by Mogwai, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. #21 Verdurous, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Canada will just stop accepting American currency. We will have to buy oil with something else... like Canadian currency. lol

  2. I am not taking anything personally lol? I honestly just don't want to start a flame war here.

    WHEN the US economy collapses it will be felt around the world. I highly doubt that you guys would be able to find someone to buy 99% of your oil overnight, so you'd be hurting for some time. I am not saying you'd be in a depression like the US but you definitely will see an economic recession in Canada.

    Canada's Exports\t$406.8 billion (2010 est.)

    Canada's Main export partners U.S. 75.02%, UK 3.37%, China 3.09% (2009)

    Canada's Imports\t$406.4 billion (2010 est.)

    Main import partners\tU.S. 51.1%, China 10.88%, Mexico 4.56% (2009)

    Think what you want man, you'll see sooner or later.
  3. It will affect everyone, just not to the extreme level I believe you are thinking (I apologize if I'm incorrect).

    One thing that will be interesting is seeing what will happen to people's savings if they are with an American bank. Could be trouble, that's for sure.
  4. The announcement you saw doesnt mean its solved it means obama proposed a new plan that meets in the middle but its extremely shitty. The house and senate meet today to vote on it. Starts at 3 or 4 for one and they just said later for the other. who knows.
  5. If we're going down, China's coming with us.

  6. Nothing, since you clearly never heard of the FDIC....all d:confused:eposits are insured up to $250,000.

    Also im not going to get deep into this since its pretty clear none of you have taken too many finance or international finance classes, but IF the US' trillion dollar economy collapses the world will be fucked. China's govt will always hold them back and India is still considered a third world country in many aspects, so no one is going to replace US spending magically.
  7. #29 Verdurous, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    The FDIC isn't going to help if the money they're paying you out in isn't actually worth what $250k is now. lol
  8. I'm pretty sure the FDIC was never meant to reimburse investors in the event of the economy collapsing... As Kenhamin pointed out; what are they going to do? Pay everyone in gold?
  9. Canado is the shit besides the damn snow and winter in general. I would much rather live there than in the united states of americas corrupt govt.
  10. You speak as if the same international corporations who own the united states government don't own yours.

    Herp derp wake up

  11. Most of the US debt is not owned by other countries, but by Americans themselves.
  12. I love how they can a bill to keep money in there pocket in just a couple hours but take months for marijuana bill
  13. I think the growing debt situation supersedes any potential marijuana legalization... I'd rather live in a stable country that isn't built and supported on inflation. Some things are much more urgent than others and call for an immediate decision... Sheesh.

  14. Regulating hemp would bring in big bucks, sorry, don't eat the fucking shit the news is feeding you, every aspect of the government is evil and only there to keep us believing we are free, but secretly we are enslaved.
  15. In all honestly i really don't care about it anymore
  16. #38 Verdurous, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I disagree. The current debt 'crisis' is completely made up by the politicians. We've been in this situation over 100 times before and the just voted TP raise the debt ceiling. They're just making more drama and it's going to take a lot more to change our problem with inflation. I think legalising marijuana is economically urgent, or at least could be, considering the amount of tax revenue gained and also the taxes saved from not having to pay the DEA near as much along with all of the prisons, etc. It'd probably help a lot more than just raising the debt ceiling like they're going to do, again.
  17. Duh man. But lets be realistic. You think the fucking hemp industry is going to pull this country out of the slump it's in? Not that in itself. It's too much of a morally binding decision (or so people have been trained to believe) for congress to just say, "fuck it we're legalizing it to generate some ca$hfl0w." Thanks to all the propaganda revolving around marijuana, the fight for it's legalization will be a long and arduous one. Time has already proved this to be so
  18. #40 m00zix, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2011
    Don't just tell me most of the debt is fictional, SHOW me. Make me eat my words breh. That's a serious statement that I won't take on your words alone.

    EDIT: I agree, that would be EXTREMELY proactive to do. But as you said, if most of the debt is fictional, then why would they legalize marijuana in this context? Makes no sense, albeit there is money to be generated from it.

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