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News from the frozen Northern Frontier

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by HarryParatestes, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. I haven't been around for a while, life has a way of creeping up and kicking your ass...
    My wife has Ankylosing Spondilitis. One of the side effects is psoriasis. It manifests as thick plaques on her feet that make it very painful to walk. She went to a dermatoligist who prescribed Methotrexate. That is chemotherapy to you and me. It didn't work. Then he changed that to Cyclosporin. Long story short, it crashed her immune system and she ended up in the hospital with a massive case of cellulitis in her lower leg. Ain't modern medicine grand.
       The good part is it finally convinced her to try RSO mixed with cocnut oil topically. Been applying twice daily since early December. The plaques are receding. She can feel me applying the oil now. She couldn't feel anything before. Progress is slow but steady and I would expect by spring she will be walking on normal feet. I'll chalk that up as a win for the home team.
       I've got a dark spot on my cheek that I've been applying oil to for the same length of time. What is it? I don't know. But I will tell you it is smaller and pinker than it was. And when it is gone I don't give a shit what it was.
       So that is where I'm at.
    I want to wish everyone a happy New Year.
    All the best


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