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Newly Cleaned Bowl

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by lalalalady, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. So I just cleaned my bowl with Iso and salt, washed it out with water, etc.  I've done this before but it left a weird taste when I smoked it.  I learned that it was because it didn't dry enough or whatever but I let it sit overnight.  Should I use a fan this time to ensure it dries properly? I can't really leave it sit out in the open because I'm only 18 and still live with my parents who don't really approve. 
    Also if you have any other tips/tricks on cleaning the bowl please let me know. There's nothing better than blazing with a fresh, nice piece!
    Help me out, thanks!!

  2. #2 BudButler, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    just run more hot water through it then blow putting a fan on its not going to do much just rinse till taste is gone
  3. I use a hair dryer after i clean my pieces to evaporate what's left. I also use a hair dryer to speed up the process of making qwiso.
  4. This has never happened to me...
    Ditto, OP I only ever use boiling hot water, or just scolding hot water from my sink to clean my pipes, wipe off the resin with a Q-Tip and call it a day. Makes them look brand spanking new, and I don't need to purchase anything fancy or waste my precious table salt.

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