Newest to the collection!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by EmpireDRIFT, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Its ridiculously smooth and bubbles very well. Im pretty happy with my purchase:smoke:. What do you guys think?
  2. damn bro what is that, a 12 arm to circ to 12 arm? how much did it run you and whats the brand? sick purchase!
  3. I think that's a splashguard brah

    Tube looks clean OP, what is it?
  4. Its an HBG, 15 arm --> splash guard --> 15 arm. They're are also some holes before the smoke hits the first 15 arm tree. It was $600 total, but I got it at the half off sale at my local headshop. Ill be uploading a milk video soon also :D.
  5. damn thats a good deal. im speechless :smoke:
  6. Thank you haha. I love it. Im going to pick up some Rezblock today and an ash catcher on the next paycheck to keep it clean. Rezblock + High end glass = best friends.
  7. why put a splash guard in between two set's of tree perc's? I could see after the second one to prevent water touching your lips but in between the two just makes no sense.

  8. To prevent the transfer of water from a lower chamber to a higher chamber.
  9. Although I have had this happen to me, and I am aware of it. I dont think it warrants a splash guard. Very different indeed.

    Nice piece.
  10. Looks like you have too much water in those percs. Doesn't really matter too much just might make it less draggy.

  11. I know, I was experimenting and was dying to hit it when I got home. I worked off how the first hit was and it was still awesome. Now, I fill water to a little below the percs because when you breathe in it raises the water level before the smoke gets to the first tree. On the second tree, I fill a little above the slits and obviously theres none in the middle.

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