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Newbie with home made setup. I need input.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by vender, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Hello All,
    I made this cabinet and this is what I am doing. I water 3 times a day 6am,2pm,10pm. I have lights set to 18 on 6 off. I use Humbolt A/B nutrients. I measure both PPM 730 and PH 5.9-6.1. I think my setup would be a ebb and flow? It floods the 2 gallon buckets to the bottom of the starter Rockwool (RW). The buckets are filled with Hydroton (HT). The plants are suspended in steel pots that hang just above the HT and nutrients. The cabinet stay at a constant 75 degrees and 50% humidity.

    Should the RW be placed on top of the HT? How often should I water? Should the RW be dry? Please any comments, sugestions..... anything.
    Thanks heres some photos.
    Some pics of my setup.
    Let me know???? Me Newbie
  2. Anyone??
  3. If I were you I would go read the stickies in the 'Advanced Grow techniques' section, there is a comprehensive guide on hydro in there.

    I can't help you because I am also new to hydro, my solution is to read everything I can get my hands on! ;):)

    Good luck!
  4. your right, but everyone has there own opinion and I am looking for specific info on my setup. I will read more. I just hate "reinventing the wheel".
  5. HIGH All, welcome to The City vender, mmmmmmm first you should get rid of the steel pot (Chicken wire) and use the right ones. I gather you are trying to do this v v v.....if it is...I've never seen it done this way...I would think the WR would stay soaking wet...which you don't want....PH is not bad I like to stick around 5.5 and drift up to around freedom4ever said read read read...not just here everywhere...the more you know the better.

    Attached Files:

  6. Thats it! I see he has it set up with shut offs to get the RW wet when he wants. Cool thanks. Any idea what type of setup this is? I did like you said and put the RW above the overflow then surrounded it with HT. Thanks makes sense. How often should I water this type of setup?
    Thanks for your help
  7. HIGH All, here is a site that might help...the site says it is a IWS (Inteligent Watering System) Flood and Drain system. So that'll be my guess.
  8. Cool thanks, it seems like they water IWS once a day. I've read that established plants can do twice daily. So twice daily. I am putting together some blueprints for an easy system for cheap. Can I put the file on this site for free? I will look. Any other info people have would be great.
  9. Update, I have placed the RW on HT and removed the chicken wire, only soaking the bottom 1/2 inch. I have raised the PH?? The leaves where droopy so I raised the PH? I have a cheap drop/vial PH tester. Says PH is about 6.0. The PPM keeps raising, its at 849. I have added water to lower the PPM to 720. Is this normal? I have been told to stay in the starter RW and water every 3 hours for 10 minutes. Things look alot better. Can I post "photos" of my plants on this forum? I am a legal MM user and use for chronic pain.
    Thanks for your help

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