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Newbie With A New Dealer, Did I Get A Good Deal?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Rosenrot1989, May 30, 2013.

  1. Well I've been looking for bud around my area for a few days, but its dry out here. So I found this new guy who said he was selling some good indoor. I got a dub, which of course is $20. He told me it was Pineapple Express but I'm almost sure that's not a real strain. The nugs are very dense and have a nice nice fruity skunky odor. I'm a bit of a noob, so I was just wondering if I got a good deal or if I got ripped off. (I'm in Northern California BTW)


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  2. You should be able to get better deals than that in NorCal
    Can't really say from that picture because a lot of times it may look more than a dub and it will be spot on, or it may look less than a dub and it will be spot on. Depends on the density, you should def get a scale. They're like 10 bucks.
    You're in cali and can't find a good dealer?
    Are those nugs compressed? Either way, that's still a good deal for 20 bucks, specially compared to other places that I myself have bought weed from.
    BTW, Pineapple Express is not exactly a real strain, as far as we know. But anyone could just make up a new strain by crossing others together. But in reality, it was just a made up strain from a movie. 
  4. The nugs definately feel very compressed to the point where you really can't squeeze them.
  5. yea thats defiantly dub worth, but if your in northern cali go get medicated with a medical card
  6. 20  buys me 1 of those nuggs. thats it.
  7. I think you did a good deal over all :) Goodluck and enjoy. 
  8. I've grown Pineapple Express. It's delicious lol
  9. Yeah i was gonna say to all you nay sayers that pineapple express is a real strain. I cant remember which seed company it comes from but you can get it for sure. Im also pretty sure that the movie inspired it and there wasnt a pineapple express strain before it.
    That's what I meant, anyone can just make up a new strain and call it whatever they want. They obviously, like you said, made a strain of it BASED off the movie. So it's not really pineapple express, just a new strain they want to call pineapple express because of the movie. That's the only thing I could think of.
    Exactly, and if the OP was right about those being compressed nugs, then he got a good deal.
  11. All depends on the area, get a scale my friend, but nah that looks fine. Your good! 
    The weed came before the movie.
  13. Get yourself a scale. :)
  14. That's what I meant, anyone can just make up a new strain and call it whatever they want. They obviously, like you said, made a strain of it BASED off the movie. So it's not really pineapple express, just a new strain they want to call pineapple express because of the movie. That's the only thing I could think of.

    <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' data-author="turnerjuana" data-time="1369933771">
    20 buys me 1 of those nuggs. thats it.

    Exactly, and if the OP was right about those being compressed nugs, then he got a good deal.
    Even if your right and it was made after the movie it doesn't make it not pineapple express. If I wanted to cross a few strains and call it what I wanted I could and that would become a real strain. But Op I guarantee you that your dealer just slapped a name on it so it would sound better

    Sent from my LG-P999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

    Well not would be pineapple express only because YOU say that it is pineapple express. We don't know what strains were used in the movie to make pineapple express. So if it was made AFTER the movie, then it would just be a dupe of pineapple express, and not the original from the movie. 
    Whether or not it was a real strain in the movie, I don't know..
  16. thats what i would pay for here. 20 a g and that looks like a gram.

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