Newbie to the forum. Been growing since 96. Took a break 8 years ago when my kid came. New setup now

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Dogloverchris, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Thanks for the invite! Glad to be a member here. I’ll have some questions for sure. I’ve always been old school with hid’s. Now I have tents and leds. I need to brush up a tad.
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  2. Yes the new LEDs will out perform the old metal hid and HPS lights if you get the new bar style, they will give you even coverage with out the hot spots in middle in your tent.
    Even the QB will work very good also if you buy them and space them a foot apart will give you even coverage and can put down more light then the bar style just cost a little more to set it up that way.
  3. good choice switching to LEDs i am still using HPS which is fine in the winter for the heat but in the summer a total pain in the butt What are you planning on growing? if you dont have seeds yet check out my journal and order from brothers grimm i am pleased with what they gave me for a very low price.GOOD LUCK
  4. welcome. Lots of top shelf growers here to help you find your path again.
  5. what did they sell you? Did you buy their tester seed packs for $25?
  6. Right now in the main 4x4 flower tent I have 5 full spectrum feceda lights set up about 18” from the tops of plants. Hopefully it’s not overkill. They seem to be doing well. A 6” vivosun exhaust with a 4” inlet fan. Temps stay around 75. I have some seeds from herbies. Gmo cookies, runtz punch and in another 2x3 tent I have a 4” exhaust with some in veg and a couple autos. Biggest thing I keep seeing is some purple stems but haven’t worried too much about that since the new growth looks good.
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