Please be gentle. I want to relocate to Colorado soon and would like to grow marijuana to supply dispensaries; not mas quantities but smaller high quality varieties of Medical Marijuana.I know some dispensaries have growers, some grow their own. I want to be a purveyor of fine Medicinal Marijuana. NOT at designer prices! I can not justify charging someone who is fighting for their life 400.00 an ounce. I want to make it affordable for the truly needy, terminal , suffering patients of CO. Happy tokes to those who need it and not ! Satindica
Hey. I hate to see this threads looked over, it hurts my feelings lmao. Post away my friend. The city is all yours buddy.
I'm not sure if I am tripping but i'm pretty sure on a forum I read a while ago that in Colorado there was gonna be a ski alp lodge where weed would be decriminilzed i'll link it if I find it