Newbie Grower

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nick1409, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Ok so heres the deal, im gonna start growing outdoors around march and it is my first ever grow and ive read alot about it so i have a decent amount of knowledge about harvesting times and cutting males as soon as they are noticed but i have a few questions.

    1. Is it ok to grow in woods, it will be open to sunlight as well as very hidden? Also is there any way police can detect that the plant is mine(thats if they find it)?

    2. Me and my buddy who are gonna grow came up with this idea and were not sure if its possible. But is it possible to cross pollinate a spearmint plant and weed to create some kinda spearmint kush or haze? If so can any give me a link to a nice guide on cross pollination?

    3. Can someone give me a nice in dept guide? ive read alot but they all seem kinda vague.
  2. Yes, you can grow in the woods.

    Only if they catch you visiting the plants, or if you leave some evidence behind.

    Yes, you can create a new breed. You simply allow a male of one strain to pollinate a female of another. This will create seeds that contain both strains genetic makeup.

    What is a "dept" guide?

    Good luck.
  3. [quote name='mad4reef']Yes, you can create a new breed. You simply allow a male of one strain to pollinate a female of another. This will create seeds that contain both strains genetic makeup.

    Im talking about the actual spearmint plants like the ones that grow wild and are legal, is it still possible then?

    What is a "dept" guide?

    like in dept like very detailed
  4. sorry about the qoute mess up im new to this stuff
  5. #5 ASGROW, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    ?like in dept like very detailed?

    oh. In depth.

    They will not be able to link it to you unless its your property...

    I have no experience with cross breeding, so I am worthless with that.
  6. you mean in depth?
  7. thanks to the both of you =]
  8. I wasn't trying to be rude but, as a major in psychology with a minor in English, I just couldn't help myself!
  9. i know haha

    Still looking for answers about the cross breed and looking for a guide,
    any help will be appreciated
  10. about the cop thing heres what u do... if ur walking from ur home directly to ur grow spot ur gena want to put duct tape on the bottom of ur shoes... DONT make ur own trail... the only time u should cut down a tree or brake a branch is at ur grow spot to provide light and space, by not doing this u will keep ur spot concealed and unoticed!! THAT IS CRUCIAL!! dont use bright or shiny colors so if ur puting a fence around ur plants camo it, so if sombody just hapened to walk by they wont see a shining peace of metal in the woods!! dont leave garbage laying around and stuff like that.. if u do that u should be safe because cops just dont wonder in the wouds expesualy if theres no trace that anybody was even even if sombody stumbled into it and called the cops there wouldnt be a trail to falow back to u or ur buddy!!!!!!:devious: :hello: -good luck-:hello:
  11. #11 pot hunter, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
  12. thanks =] where im planting is in old trails i used to ride and cops bearly ever came back there unless someone called for noise and ill be pretty deep in too. Should i grow in it a pot or would they finger print it? Anyone know any good detailed guides?
  13. thanks for the guides ill check them out =]
  14. are fertilizers needed? is it possible to grow a decent plant with just good soil and water? I just need to get some plants grown cheep and quickly as possible and once i get some money rolling in i can invest in fertilizers
  15. no they wont finger print them because they wont waste the money or time to do that plus they prolly wouldnt retrive anythig, as for the pots i gues it would depend on the size, because the ground is able to retain water longer then a small pot, so if u miss a watering day ur plant wont be without water, but on the plus side of the pots if u ever need to move ur crops u would be able to do that eazly.. i will be happy to answer any more questions that u have!!!!!!!!:D better to be safe then sorry!
  16. thanks abunch! but are fertilizers needed? is it possible to grow a decent plant with just good soil and water? I just need to get some plants grown cheep and quickly as possible and once i get some money rolling in i can invest in fertilizers
  17. yes it is very possible to do so, the ground contains natural fertilizer, thats how the other plants servive. but i still recomend fertilizer still for better results... but it will still work!!!!
  18. Thanks for all the help, ill return to this thread around febuary when i plant, until then there is a chance i may grow indoors, can you grow under something like a desk light?
  19. how many watts is it???
  20. im not sure cause itd be at my friends house but if its possible how many watts would it need

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