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Newb question; help!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bandie, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. So, I've smoked twice before, In the same day. I didn't get high, oh well.
    But I'm doing it again with another friend. the problem is though, is that the first time I ever smoked (the last time I did it, haha) I had to have somebody else light it for me.
    I don't know how to do that, can someone help me so I don't look like an idiot?
    I know you are supposed to corner it, but I still don't understand.
    Also, how long should you inhale the smoke for, and when should you start inhaling?
    They know i've only smoked once before, but I dont want to make a fool out of myself.
    Please please please help!!!

  2. here is how to use a typical glass spoon pipe, it explains cornering as well.

  3. One more thing; Do not torch the weed. The flame should not come in contact with the weed for more then a couple of seconds. And always stay hydrated during AND after smoking, keep some cold water within reach at all times(during smoking;right after taking a hit is crucial).
  4. Get a bic. Cus there dope as fuck.

    Flick said bic and use the flame to bring fire to the bowl(corner means only lighting one corner of the bowl so multiple people can hit it).

    INHALE as you light it, You only need to inhale as much as you can handle no 1 will think less of you or anything.

    And yeah its actually super easy.

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