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New Zealand dank

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Smuff, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Yo, Just picked this up. Sorry bout the less than average photos.

    Anyway, this is what the weeds like here in NZ. :wave:



    Attached Files:

  2. Bud looks pretty good from what I can tell in the pictures. However, you could have the dirtiest, shittiest weed in the world and I would still rather live in New Zealand than here!! :wave::)
  3. Hahaha meh, it's not as cool as they make it out to be.

  4. looks like the stuff i got in wellington when i went to NZ a couple of weeks ago, so nice chilling out there with all the nature and that, such a sick place

  5. Oh cool, yeah I'm at the top of the north island rather than the bottom

    The south Island is where it's at....

  6. haha nice pick up bro. how much that set ya back
  7. There's some nice bud here in NZ. Here's some skunkies I got a while back:

  8. looks like a nice sativa. Are there alot of sativas in NZ?
  9. Yeah. Plenty of all kinds of bud though. I'm keen on my sativas though cos they're good to go to work on :hello:
  10. Nice. Where in NZ are ya?
  11. 3.5gram bud, 50 bucks. I was fuckin stoked of course....

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