i still cant stand that they spell MARIJUANA like MARIHUANA on that bill wtf is MARIHUANA if youre going to make a bill like that atleast spell it right CANNABIS or MARIJUANA, but still its a step foward anyway
thats great news to hear New York also wants to pass it for the meds. still a stubborn and selfish move on the state to keep it illegal to grow, i hope they come to see that as a mistake and fix it.
I hope New York doesn't pass a bill like New Jersey's. In New Jersey's bill, marijuana is treated like hardcore pain meds like Oxycontin. Where is the scientific evidence that supports the need to control medical marijuana like Oxycontin, a highly addictive and lethal drug? New Jersey also limits medical marijuana to severely ill people with AIDS and Cancer when the evidence clearly points to medical uses for people with less severe illnesses or conditions. It's nice that New Jersey has passed medical marijauna, but it does not go far enough. Hopefully New York State will pass something that allows more access and the ability to grow legally. In an ideal world however, New York State would realize that marijuana could be controlled better in a taxed and regulated market but that actually assumes the politicians are not mentally retarded.
Marijuana is the demonized term for cannabis coined in the 1900's . If anything we all should get away from the racist term marijuana and used its scientific term ... cannabis .
well technically Marujuana is the spanish version of the word Marihuana is the english way of spelling
Oh my god dude. If this happens. I don't think I could compute it ... NY + MMJ. It would be an ironic end to the rockefeller laws. I agree 100% that it would have to better than NJ's laws.. even if you still can't grow..at least include more conditions that are legit because theres sooooo many more things it can treat..
meh ny is the worst state unless you r filthy rich. the government sucks here. it will hurt small time dealers and the cash flow will just shift... we good news but i wouldn't bet on it.. it's pretty much legal here anyway it will just be way more convenient if it ever happens. In california anyoone can get a doctors note but in NY will it be for just a/cancers patients/burn victims?
I don't think anyone knows for sure. If I had a guess it will be similar to New Jersey's and I really hope they aren't but we will see I guess. Like someone said regarding NJ's laws...it's a start. I know that "marihuana" is the right english spelling but come on...that bothers me hahaha http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A09016 You can read about it there.
And here Medical marijuana bill clears Assembly Health Committee I didn't know this went through a stepping stone already. Sad to hear it's similar to NJ's though. Too strict if that's the case. Hell I didn't even know that it's passed through the assembly in previous years but died in the senate...however NYS senate is democrat majority this year(?), I can see why he thinks it could happen. Also has anyone found anything regarding if the bill states what kind of illnesses would be considered ?
idk mj sounds spanish, i think it's cannabis or marijuana or the British version old school version. in cali weed at dispensaries aren't cheap for the most part. cheaper than ny but most of it's grown there. if you have a hookup you can get awesome nug for like 250 an o... not at a dispensary private dealer. it's fucking cold here...
WWhy in the world would people have to BUY it when the can grow it. Forget this Medical crap, the majority of Americans believe Marijuana should be Legalized completely. We need to vote all these crooked incumbent bums out of office in 2010 and go 3rd party. Just Marijuana prohibition alone costs taxpayers 50 BILLION a year. VOTE SMART!!
yeah that would be so much better but in cali a lot of people just buy it a the dispensary cause it's convienient but if you don't have a job or have the time and want to do it then yeah it would be great to have that option.. the thing is idk how many people will qualify if it gets through. weed is pretty much legal in ny growing small amounts is a misdemeaner and i think up to 25 grams it's just a violation. even with a pound it's highly unlikely you will get any jail time. you can grow now but maybe not outside unless you have a couple acres and some privacy. just don't tell anyone...
I don't get why the whole grow thing is such a big deal, I just like the idea of being able to go and legally purchase cannabis and actually know what I am buying. The grow thing is also probably the first thing NJ / NY would add imo..
Small time dealers are gonna have to compete. BUT, hopefully they're gonna lower their prices to a fairer price.
Haha I know, street prices here suck. The only good thing is it's fucking dank no matter where I go..
According to the bill, as summarized: keywords: "serious condition" which is defined by the bill as: It appears to me, as long as the argument can be made that the condition is "SEVERE DEBILITATING OR LIFE-THREATENING" and can/should be treated with marihuana, (or is the result of such a condition) then it is a valid condition. I am not certain however if "SEVERE DEBILITATING" is a single deliminator, meaning the debilitating condition must be severe or if they are separate deliminators, meaning the condition must be severe or debilitating. Even though the difference between those words being a single deliminator or separate deliminators might seem inconsequential, it can certainly make a word of difference.
I am glad to see the news is still buzzing a bit about this, here is a new article. Medical Marijuana Supporters Wonder if Time Has Come - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com At the end it quotes patterson from an interview at a prior date, basically sounds like he would sign a bill.
New Yorks lagging... and it seems like some primary states activsts are willing to accept any bill (ala NJ) than push for a good bill. Nonetheless, any bill would help some very deserving med mj users - but I hope states work on a fair bill.
Well to be honest I would like to see the qualifying restrictions lessened and the trade off cutting down the posession amount (2.5 ounces current proposed bill)