I've had one successful vape session with this design so far. The knob on the heat gun is guess & check. I really want to figure out how to engineer a temperature sensor into the mix. I'd rather know where my temp is at, over guess & check. I'm a poor man & cannabis is scarce! Especially out here in Idaho. :S Efficiency is a must. Anyways.. hope you like the design. Any suggestions, improvements ideas, or questions... hit me up!
There's no way the heat source is 375ËšF, it's gotta be close to 1000. If it's heating that big of a surface area of air it has to be way hotter than the desired temperature.
I think you've got the right idea, candles burn at a constant 1800ËšF, with the hottest region being 2500ËšF. But with candles having such a small flame, it would be hard to control where the heat is going without blowing it out.
Design a box around it that gives enough oxygen so it can be a flame, but have the majority of it shielded... the Salad and Foil / Metal that the salad is on will be sealed away from the flame and terrible smoke candles emit, lol. Drill maybe a secondary hole for a carb? just a possibility. Candle just sounds a hell of a lot safer
There are more options than a candle. I'm sure you know about the Hakko with a ceramic tip. Those don't give off burning waxes or anything (candles are basically vaporizing the wax around it to keep the wick going longer). It looks like they are at about 700ËšF max (for the specific 15W Hakko).
So... you've actually put some thought into this as well... what's the design idea you have in mind... don't tell me you don't have one brewing or... smoking... in that head of yours! any images?