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New white pistils on tops

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Nade1, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. how are these buds looking?? I had one plant just finish up recently and thought this one would be too, but to discover new pistils shooting out the tops upload_2019-8-30_18-42-24.jpeg upload_2019-8-30_18-42-38.jpeg upload_2019-8-30_18-42-54.jpeg I’m thinking they jus need some more time to mature and swell up but let me know
  2. Definitely needs more time. Does have some pistil receding but it looks like there’s more white, then color. Definitely wait a few weeks and feed nute solution only when needed.
  3. Pretty blue dream
  4. Is that what this is?? It was just a seed I had lying around and wasn’t sure what it was
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