New way to cure your buds... the BudCure box and cannaster

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by refriedbeano, Jan 8, 2024.

  1. #1 refriedbeano, Jan 8, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2024
    So I've been dreaming of making a better way to harvest the herb since I graduated college in 2016. Now, I've finally done it, I have a small shop capable of making a few of these machines a week. So let me tell you about them.
    The BudCure Box starts drying your buds with a fan. You can track the evaporation rate because all of the buds are hanging on a weight sensor. You just have to record the starting weight. Once most of the moisture is gone, or to slow down the drying, you just close the door on the fan and start up the thermoelectric device. This will suck up the excess moisture to prevent mold, and slow down the drying process. Once you reach your target weight, you move the buds to the next stage.... the BudCure Cannaster
    This machine has an automatic lid and a small vacuum pump. You load the buds into the tray and put the tray into the Baine Marie to be loaded into the Cannaster. Then you press a button to close the lid and start the machine. The machine will measure the humidity and wait until the buds have come to equilibrium humidity, then it will draw a vacuum pulling all the moisture from the center of the buds. It will just repeat this procedure until the buds are at the correct moisture content for canning.

    Thanks for reading all of that. Right now I have these two machines but I'm looking for someone that wants one so I can build the perfect versions. I'm selling the BudCure Box on ebay for right now.

    Attached Files:

  2. See admin here for selling your stuff, as they get a lot of spammers here,

    good luck
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Yeah, advertising and self promotion are not permitted here at Grasscity Forums. I removed your link from your post. Grasscity also owns and maintains a headshop site and advertising here directly competes with it.
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  4. my bad! The "BudCure" is still very much a prototype and not a product. But thanks for not taking down my post!
    Just to clarify my position, I'm not going to further develop these prototypes until after I harvest some plants with it this upcoming season. Unless, someone wants one for themselves...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. very cool how much can it hold?
  6. The pull out tray has 28 spots, so it can hold a large cola every other one.

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