So I finally picked me up some high end glass off BM. Got a nice price on it too. But lets get on with the pictures top perc w/work bottom close up top close up Milkshot! Let me know what ya think! Will get some vids up today. Definitely gettin an a/c for it soon. *edit* milkshots down below!
I just picked up the exact same tube but without a worked dome. Its an awesome piece, best rip I've ever had for sure lets see those vids
Sweet bong and grizz cans ;D I'll take a fat lip after a bong smoke sesh after class most of the time haha
sick tube, i would like to try one of those, only thing holding me back from getting a tube like that or a 7/13 is it seems like it would be too much work to clean/empty the water. you need to get a sick matching bowl for that, i just picked up a roo with the same colors...
these things are a breeze to clean, resin doesnt seem to stick to my toro i swear to god. Just a simple warm water or grunge off rinse and im good.
Here are some milkvids we snagged, one from the first night on my digital cam and one just now when I woke up on the cell phone lol enjoy. Happy tokin! first night [ame=""]YouTube- IMG 0450[/ame] just now [ame=""]YouTube- IMG 0450[/ame]