New Toro Circ/Circ w/some work! Pics & Milkshot

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by hi erryday, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. #1 hi erryday, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2010
    So I finally picked me up some high end glass off BM. Got a nice price on it too. But lets get on with the pictures

    top perc w/work
    bottom close up
    top close up
    Let me know what ya think! Will get some vids up today. Definitely gettin an a/c for it soon.

    *edit* milkshots down below!
  2. Looks beautiful man, congrats.
  3. Wow that tube is perfect.. Unreal pick up man enjoy

  4. i was going to say the same thing look how clean the angle is on the stemless circ
  5. I just picked up the exact same tube but without a worked dome. Its an awesome piece, best rip I've ever had for sure :D

    lets see those vids:bongin:
  6. Sweet bong and grizz cans ;D

    I'll take a fat lip after a bong smoke sesh after class most of the time haha
  7. Sick bong!! What is BM though!?!?
  8. BM = Boromarket, a used/new glass buying/selling forum. Sick toro man, circ/circ is the bomb!
  9. Mmmm that looks real milky. Makes me miss my bong.
  10. wow, very nice.. quite jealous
  11. sick tube, i would like to try one of those, only thing holding me back from getting a tube like that or a 7/13 is it seems like it would be too much work to clean/empty the water. you need to get a sick matching bowl for that, i just picked up a roo with the same colors...;)
  12. these things are a breeze to clean, resin doesnt seem to stick to my toro i swear to god. Just a simple warm water or grunge off rinse and im good.
  13. Here are some milkvids we snagged, one from the first night on my digital cam and one just now when I woke up on the cell phone lol enjoy. Happy tokin!

    first night
    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪IMG 0450‬‎[/ame]

    just now
    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪IMG 0450‬‎[/ame]

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