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New to the bud..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Euphoric Panda, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. I've been smoking bud for 4 weeks now.. I've smoked at least 15 times. Problem is, I don't really feel high?

    I start smoking, I have a bong. I corner the bowl, take alot of smoke, and then pull the bowl so it shoots into my lungs. I hold for 9-10 seconds, and I exhale. Usually, alot of smoke.

    So I know i'm inhaling right, I just don't think i'm really "Stoned"

    Most I smoked was 1.4 grams of Dank bud (yes, dank, I live with a grower and he instantly told me this was some very dank bud) and I only felt a little light headed, and extremely hungry. But nothing like some people say..

    I've never felt like any weird fellings, or illusions, etc. know its not a hallucinogen, but I've never even "felt" high. much less, saw anything.
  2. after you clear the bong, inhale again to make sure all the smoke is going into your lungs.
  3. I do that.
    I pull the bowl out of the downstem and pull in alot of air so it shoots into my lungs
  4. and do you inhale again after that? otherwise the smoke is just sitting in your mouth, not getting you high.
  5. I don't see what you mean?
    If I take the bowl out of the downstem, i'm obviously getting fresh air, not smoke still, therefore pulling air through the bong to finish the hit inside AND to push it down my lungs is all the exhaling I need to do?

    I can tell that because the first few bits of air that come out of my mouth is air, not smoke
    Then smoke starts pouring out.
  6. if this kids taking legit bong rips he isnt holding it all in his mouth i dont even think thats possible. I have a friend thats been smoking with me for a while and he just doesnt really get that high...maybe just some people don't get as high as others.
  7. dude believe me one of these times itll hit you and youll be stoned out of your mind just be sure that your getting that smoke deep enough into your lungs
  8. Have you ever hit a blunt or joint before? You hit it and then you inhale again to make sure all of the smoke is getting into your lungs. The initial hit isn't going to put all the smoke into your lungs.

    Same concept with a bong. You hit it, then inhale again to make sure your putting all of the smoke into your lungs.
  9. This is what I had problems with to begin with as well..

    I fixed it by doing something simple.. Making sure you're completly exhaled of breath when you start to take the bong hit
    This allows more smoke into the lung. Trust me, it makes a difference..

    And I have a real glass on glass bong, and I can corner the tiniest bit of weed, no way i'd ever be able to hold that big of rip in JUST my mouth.

  10. You might have some faulty bud. Send it my way, and I'll toke on it for you, and tell you if it works.
  11. Even though you clear the bong with the slider out, try to inhale more fresh air (away from the mouthpiece of the bong), to push the smoke ALL the way to the bottom of you lungs. Hold 5-7 seconds, exhale, be stoned, ???, profit.
  12. Obvious 4channer.

    Rule 1 and 2 me, idgaf.
  13. well maybe its not dank :eek:
    thats always a possibility.
  14. either the weed is not of high quality, or you arent pushing the smoke all the way down into your lungs. Try inhaling like the rest have stated. That was my problem back when i first started. I will still inhale fresh air after every hit i take.
  15. take a week off and report back, your tolerance might be going up and your expecting the same trip each time, the high tends to change after a while.
  16. Maybe it's the bud. There's a strand of some medical bud around the area here that, from what I've heard, makes your appetite go up and you don't really get that ripped.

    However, I say don't give up! Keep smoking til your mind explodes with imagination.
  17. Personally I didnt get high like my first 5 times and was about to give on smoking completely haha. But yeah try to be sober for like a week and smoke a fat bowl of dank by yourself. Also try to think that your high and that will help, cause if you think your not high then you wont be, Gotta play that mental game, ya dig.
  18. After taking a hit pay attention when you exhale. If you see a lot of smoke (the same amount you took in), it's probably not reaching your lungs.

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