new to so-cal lovin it out here tho

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by bobby digital15, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Whatup GC peeps, just moved to Riverside, not even sure if that's so-cal but hey. MJ has been around my whole life, being a Jamaican but started reaping the benefits a couple years ago do to chronic migraines. Any other migraine victims you know what i'm talking about. well i'm off to read some more posts, peace
  2. whats up like 20 min away from you..out here in ontario
    this is the Inland Empire
  3. How's it going man! Riverside is pretty laid back city except for all the cops around. I also hear they are taking down Dispensaries pretty soon.
  4. I'll be damned if they close the dispensaries. Thats putting people outta jobs and patients out of a WORKING medicine... Here come the riots, lol

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