New to outdoor growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BlownOnThAtIndo, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. Sup GC!!!

    O.K. so ive seen alot of indoor grow guides and stuff and a couple of outdoor guides. Im pretty sure I have the basic of both down to grow that dank but what I dont get is if you guerilla grow is there anything that u can spray on your plant so that no bugs fuck up your plant???
  2. There usually isnt really a need to worry about pesticides until you notice that some of your plants have bugs.

    If your plants get bugs I would strongly reccomend an organic home made fertilizer. They can be found on the boards.
  3. Prevention is much easier than remediation. The prob with gorilla grows is that you're not going to tend the plants much.

    Home remedies work somewhat. A solution of crushed garlic, cayenne (or similarly hot) pepper vegetable oil and water repels many bugs. If you add
    Bacillus thuringiensis to the mixture you can kill those insects that aren't repelled. BT is a natural organism found at low levels in soils throughout the world. It works by secreting one or more toxins after being ingested by an insect. The toxins are often specific to a family of insects. It appears not to harm humans or other life forms except for the intended targets.

    The most common target insects for BT are caterpillars but there is some that kills soil based insects.
  4. #4 KSimms4200, Oct 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2008
    neem oil.. can get it from wal-mart or any home improvement store. dilute it with some water and spray it on. its organic, very effective, and you dont have to browse the produce section of your grocery store for the components.

    you find something that will stop grasshoppers... you let me know.. hate those lil bastards. :)

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