high! let me start out by saying i am long time hps light guy. used t5s t12s to veg then on to hps. there was always a little transition time. some wilt not much. bought this new led light to flower with and wow wtf is with yellowing leaves. is this yellowing normal even the texture of the leaves has changed. i hope some of you led growers can help me out with some advise. and what to expect next with the differences between the 2 hps and led. thanx
actually i dont know much when i comes to leds. but im sure it is normal i've seen the strange textureing and coloration of leaves when it comes to leds multiple times i wouldn't sweat it but hopefully some1 more knowledgeavle chimes in.
Typically I have found that plants under LED usually require more Cal/Mag than plants grown under HPS or HID lighting. I am not certain the cause but since Mg plays a vital role in photosynthesis energy conversion, I believe the increased PAR lighting from LED's may drive photosythesis harder, therefore requiring more Cal/Mag... (just a suspicion) for certain though, I almost feed my plants cal/mag every feeding with LED...
sorry it took so long to get back to gc. ice mud you nailed it!!! talked to some other folks they said same, within days of feeding with molasses they are much better and getting better everyday. thank you again! is there anything else to look out for.