New to growing, need opinions on sex of plant please

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Piffsburghh, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. alright this is my first grow, i have two plants, and recently switched the lighting to flowering. although i have looked at sexing guides and this plant appears to me to be a male, i'd really like for someone with more experience to confirm or deny this (or tell me it's too early to tell). thanks for any responses!

    btw check out my grow (with lots of pics) link in my sig



  2. I cant see looking at the pics, but the way i do it is wait until the 1st buds appear and then look for a white beard similar to what you see coming out of a Mussel (sea faring urchin type) but only really really small.

    once you have seen this i sex them female and the ones without males. If they are planted the same time this can be easy and then you can rid the males as quickly as possible.

    Other will have there way of checking but for me i get 100% success rate doing it like this.
    You need to know what you are looking for but once you know IMHO you cant go wrong.
    Because of the brightness and angles of these particular pics i cant see anything.

  3. looks like a boy. srry bro
  4. hey man sometimes those pods you see there end up opening up and the pistils come out. dont jump the gun and kill the plant yet, but watch a little longer and wait for it to mature. could definitely be a male tho
  5. when you see clusters of balls then its a male
  6. That looks to be in the pre sexing stage, but I hate to say it, it looks like a boy IMO.
  7. Kinda manly to me but hey you could always harvest your pollen and make your own strain!

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