new to growing but I have a dilema.. Not really related to actual growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Stoonaroon, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. hey guys I want to grow but I have a dilema.. I am in highschool livin at home. So indoors isn't an option. But I was wondering If there are any plants like a marijuana plant that isn't a marijuana plant. Like for practice... Kind of a weird question. But I'm just wondering. Also wondering how easy it would be to grow outdoors in Utah northern part just south of slc. Any help is greatly appreciated
  2. Hey man I use mini rose as test plants all the time. Its a good idea to test your methods.

  3. please have enough consideration for your parents NOT to grow mj until you're legally responsible for yourself and have your own place.
  4. Hey man I use mini rose as test plants all the time. Its a good idea to test your methods.

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