Hey GC, So I have a Silika mini oil rig coming in with a glass nail, vapor globe, and a flower bowl. I have a dabber I fashioned myself out of a dental pick that will do for now until I get around to buying a nice dabber/dish set (spent quite a bit on my recent pickup and this rig so cash is a little tight). My main question is do I need an actual torch to heat up the nail or can I get away with using my Colibri butane cigar jet lighter? I understand the torch is much more efficient and faster, but until I can get my hands on a torch will the jet lighter work for all intents and purposes? Happy toking!
Noob dabber as well. Honestly the torch has been the most frustrating part about dabbing. I have a Vector Nitro and swear my Ti nail takes 45-60 seconds to get orange. I use the torch on the lowest setting because of safety. I'm waiting on some help about refilling the damn thing but I tried last night and it lasted barely 2 dabs today and sprayed butane on my hands when refilling. Oh yeah, unless that dental pick is titanium, use a glass pick because if that dental pick is another metal, you risk inhaling toxic metal burn off.
It shouldn't be hard to refill, just press the nozzle of your butane refill straight down into the port on the bottom (hold the torch upside down as well as the butane refill). Not sure if the Vector is any different but this is how I refill my butane items. I think I'm going to be using my large MAPP gas Benzomatic auto-ignite torch until I can afford something else. As for the dental pick, good call. Maybe I'll cruise by my LHS and see if I can't find a glass dabber. Concentrates are not popular at all in my area so I don't know if I'll be able to find anything in stores.
Small torches will work, but just take time. Just a faint glow and the nail is hot enough. You know your torch is refilled when butane is slightly spurting out (not hard to notice compared to the regular filling sound either). Also if it's your first dab then start little and work your way up to big dabs. Smoke with someone too. There are side effects, but rare, to certain people (my girl faints from dabs bigger than a piece of rice).
yeah, it doesnt need to be blazing hot, just the "faint glow" is good enough. it will save you butane, too. I would also be careful about overfilling butane torches, especially cheaper ones. They'll stop working and spurting weak flames because all the pressure inside messes up the flow or something. I use a harbor freight 7 dollar torch and it works fantastic.
One would be passing out. I've heard of a few cases of that, including my girlfriend. Extreme anxiety. And like I said, rare. Most people it's not even a concern. I wouldn't worry about it, just be cautious until you are comfortable with it.
Thanks for the heads up. I definitely intend to start off small. I haven't smoked in a month so to end my t-break I just bought a 1/4 of OG Kush (lucky enough to have Cali friends to hook me up!) and this Silika mini hammer oil rig. Haven't even touched the bud yet though it is thoroughly amazing; I'm waiting for my bubbler to come in before breaking my t-break... it's hard let me tell ya. Trying to get all my dabbing supplies together before my buddy makes some BHO next week. Thanks for the help!
this peaked my interest. i liked my vector nitro torch so much i just got a vector urbano triple torch pocket cigar lighter the other day, when i get home from work im gonna see if it can heat my spare 14mm glass nail. although this thing may be a little more powerful then the average cigar torch, it looks like it has the same size triple torches as the vector tri pump. and dont knock a dental pick, for less solid oil it works amazing. my buddy has multiple glass dabbers and still usually uses his dental pick. the greasy black oil from crappy trim and re-runs spreads out over the glass or climbs its way up the shaft of our glass dabbers, it comes right off the pick. skilletools actually makes a metal dabber thats almost identical to a dental pick too, only it costs 12 bucks instead of the couple bucks a dental pick costs at walmart.
Did you actually read why I knock dental picks? A stainless steel dental pick will burn off metal fumes..
i did, but the oil melts off the pick in a second or 2. the pick is away from the nail in seconds, before the oil is even done vaporizing. thats the appeal of it, the nail pulls the concentrate off the pick quickly before it gets noticeably hot. if i use one of my glass dabbers or even one of my thicker metal ones, the oil comes off alot slower and i have to dab rather then full melt and done like the pick. only with greasy stuff tho, higher quality stuff i use glass.
With a nice surgical grade steel dental pick you've got the best dabbing tool in my opinion. And I agree too, it's best for getting the entire dab off of the tool and onto the nail and the rest of the hit you don't even really have to dab you just watch.
My Silika Hammer "Oil Rig" came in today! I'll take some milk shots when I end my t-break later tn! I'll be getting a couple grams of earwax on Monday so I must wait until then to dab