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New to cali not to herb need help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by joshtheboss377, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Look this is for all the people in cali that are near Redondo beach area... i just moved there and i can not for the life of myself find any help aka herb. please someone steer me in the right direction or whos got it lol. i dont wanna go to a doctor i just need some please help dont thrash.:confused:
  2. haha, just go up to venice beach man
  3. If you're looking for a hookup man, you are in the wrong place. There's gotta be something wrong if you can't find weed in Cali.

  4. I would just hope that there would be some cool people here that could steer me in the right direction or hook me up with the thrax. im just another fella lookin to get cheesy
  5. how do we know u not another copper fella lookin to get cheesy??
  6. well shit i got you lol here. my name is joshua goetz i live in redondo beach CA.
    Pigs can go die cause i lieterally got caught on 420 in illinois with 11grams on me. what else would help cause i am in fuckin need lol ohh and im pretty sure cops have to tell you there cops if you ask and im not a cop.

  7. i smell bacon......smell check this fool:p
  8. Undercover officers DO NOT have to tell you they are cops. A uniformed officer has to be able to provide identification.
  9. Do pigs really think that we are that stupid?
  10. Why not go to a doctor? You are in a medical legal state, can obtain a card rather easily from what I understand, then you have access to medical grade dank at decent prices. Why on earth would you want to skip that and buy from the streets? That just doesn't make sense.

  11. cops dont have to tell you shit they do what they waNt to. im surprised you wouldnt know this as police officer....
  12. If you can't find bud in california your either:
    a) underage
    b) retarded
    c) not looking

    If you are underaged I would recommend not smoking unless your parents approve and you have the responsibility to deal with the consequences that come with illegal drug use.

    If your an adult just google "medical marijuana prescription L.A." and see if you have any qualifying conditions (there are literally dozens) and you will get a prescription and a card.

    Take that to a dispensary (which can be found with a few more quick clicks), pick up a fat sack of dank and medicate.

    Don't look for hookups on this site, it's against forum rules.
  13. Go to Ur doctor and say "it hurts me in my back" ull be flowing in weed

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