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New to buying

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iLLwordZ, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Not new to toking. I am however new to buying - I decided I'd start buying my own instead of mooching off of really nice friends, and I'm contributing towards an eighth tomorrow. An 1/8 here is $40, each of us have $20... my friends don't wanna go for a fourth so we're also gonna get food with our total cash.

    Again - I'm knew to buying, and we don't plan on smoking an eighth in one sitting. Using a waterfall and some good herb and can fly in a few hits. So my question is:

    How do I split an eighth between three people? I want to be fair, but I don't have a scale. Last time I contributed towards a dub (I payed half) and got two medium sized nugs out of the deal + whatever we smoked that night.

    I just don't want to be the sucker who pays the extra cash for the dude who gets more weed out of the split. I just wanna kick back, smoke some, and have some for later... any tips/suggestions?

    Thanks forum. This is my first post and I hope to become an active member here and chill with you all. Duze.
  2. each person gets 1.16-1.2g depending on how much they give you
  3. you're buying 1/8 and getting a third of it. honestly i wouldnt be worried if you got a little more/less out of it, it's like a $3 difference between friends.

    1) dump the 1/8th out
    2) divide into 3 equal looking parts
    3) take your share
  4. Without a scale it'll be harder to spit it evenly. Your just gonna have to eyeball it good. Actually spend some time rearranging buds from each of the 3 groups to make it more legit. best advice I an offer.
  5. Sounds good people. Thanks for the advice; I just don't want to sound like douchey or anything.
  6. yeah it won't make too much of a difference to just split that up by eyeballing it
  7. Just give each person a third.
  8. If its between 3 people you would get a little more than a gram.
  9. smoke as much as you and all your buddies want to smoke then break it up when youre done

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