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new to buying bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bruuhbraah, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. #1 bruuhbraah, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012

    is this weed or spice? im new to buying weed so i just asked around at the park and found a guy and got this for 5 bucks but my friends kept telling me it was spice but it smells like weed and i really dont know help please also it was my friends friend was the dealers friend

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  2. Hmmm looks like bud..the pictures small. If it smells earthy rather than unnatural and spicy than it should be weed. Try toking it up..even if its something other than buds you'll be fine.
  3. Seems like dirt to me.
  4. looks like weed, not good weed but weed. smoke it
  5. kinda hard to tell from the pic. But looks like one little bud and a bunch of shake.
  6. if it is weed it's shit weed, I mean come on $5 for that much? SHIT. sorry you got ripped off bro, happens to all of us at first, in the future you'll know how to call a dealer on his shit.

  7. ripped off? Shit whether that's shwag or not that's still quite a bit for a whole whopping $5.
  8. [quote name='"Medicinal MJ"']

    ripped off? Shit whether that's shwag or not that's still quite a bit for a whole whopping $5.[/quote]
    im saying if its spice he got ripped off, because I doubt he got that much weed for $5 so it probably is spice.
  9. [quote name='"bruuhbraah"']my friends friend knew the dealer[/quote]

    yeah, but in the future you'll be able to feel, smell, and look at the weed and if they try ripping you off, you'll be able to call them out.

  10. spice still get's you high, and it's still quite a bit for $5 lol
  11. but the dealer friends was my friends friend
  12. Smoke it and find out fuck it's late over here btw XD 2:14 am

  13. 9:07 here :p
  14. i don't know how you got that for $5, but it looks like schwag to me mixed with bits of dried stuff. Smoke some and see if it gets you high, be careful though it might be some synthetic crap

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