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new spoon or pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by njtoker59, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. #1 njtoker59, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    A new user to the city but have been lurking for a couple months. want to purchase a new bowl because the old one I had broke and it was from a friend. it was about 3-4in and color changing when full change was completed it was a dark red with blue flames creeping up the sides from the bottom. it had a fairly deep and wide bowl. If anyone has a bowl like this or knows of one like this please let me know of the website or shop and if you can include a picture it would really help me because I want one just like it back. also since I'm new had some questions on the vocabulary or lingo everyone uses... ex "bump"? if anyone could post some vocabulary that might be unfamiliar to someone new to the city it would be greatly appreciated or general vocabulary for anything related to marijuana. thanks and if I get one I'll post some pics.

  2. search glass pipe
  3. #3 ahh420, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Last time I mentioned that site my thread got deleted. haha. Mods really need to check sites out before you know. anyways

    BUMP means "Bring Up My Post" Which is used if your page goes off the first page.

    EDIT: You can go to etsy and look up some blowers you like and ask if they can make a custom order for you. Do you have any photos? That might help them understand what you mean. =D
  4. that's where i ordered from... you might not find the exact style you're looking for, but there's some quality stuff there. generally good prices too. updates regularly.

  5. I don't have any pics because I broke it a year ago and I quit untill 3 months ago. how much would a custom blow like that run me?

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