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New Soda Drink "Canna Cola" Made With Marijuana About To Hit Stores!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Deebo420, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. [ame=]Video: New Soda Drink "Canna Cola" Made With Marijuana About To Hit Stores![/ame]
  2. I love how the guy at the beggining is giving that, "Weed is bad" look.
  3. Looks tasty :)! 2.5gs in one drink haha, seems like a waste of weed though. But for $10 id buy it to try it out a few times. 2.5gs can last me a month of being high every day :smoke:
  4. How? 2.5gs barely last me more than a day.
  5. Lol 2.5g in one drink sounds nuts. And who the fuck says 'soda-pop' anymore.
  6. Its called conservation my mane.
  7. Too bad this is only available in dispensaries...
  8. Yeah, it's definitely just pop. :cool:
  9. that sound good would love to try it:smoke:
  10. #10 LBC213, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Sorry to sound conceited or anything( a bit high still) but that is like impossible, for 2.5gs to last u a whole
    Month high everyday. 2.5 would last me like 2 days
  11. Wow, not a bad price either for how much is in it.
    I'd like to try it someday haha, seems like a cool new way to consume it :)
  12. Even with a pipe, 2.5gs would last me around 2-3 weeks. Now with my MFLB, around .1 gets me STONED and .05 gets me to a nice high

    Smoke once a day, 2.5gs lasts a month

    Thats how :smoke:
  13. 0.05?? Y'all some lightweights lol
  14. [​IMG]
    I drink these mediphyzz' weekly :p
    They dont have the cool label like those but they get you fucking bent.
  15. #15 FourTwennty, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011

    Lol yea they are.

    .05? thats like a quarter bowlpack. Maybe less

    .5 bowls are normal.

  16. It lasts me an hour, maybe.

  17. please share your secrets.
  18. Vapes are extremely efficient, i get about 10 hits off of .05

    Your calling me a lightweight, but in the end im the one laughing :smoke:

    Saves so much money, i get just as high if not higher as you on a larger amount with your pipe/bong.

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