new smoking game

Discussion in 'General' started by GuttedJester, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. hey gc im pretty stoned and tried to post this before but for some reason i cant find it now and i think i forgot to post it

    but ive come up with a new smoking game that works really nice with bongs but could also be played with a pipe or something
    *ok so to begin you need, a piece, [i prefer a bong], bud, and some skill

    - spark the bowl and begin to hit the bong as usual, but once the bud is lit and there is a cheri going stop inhaling and let a small cloud of smoke rise from the bowl,

    then before the cloud rises to high, you need to get up or tilt the bong so you can inhale the cloud of smoke through the bowl and then you need to finish your rip and clear the bong,

    *if you can not inhale the cloud of smoke but do not get bong water in your mouth your out of the circle for 2 rounds,

    if bong water does enter your mouth then only 1 round out because you tried harder to inhale all the smoke and bong water in the mouth is nasty

    - the point is to not make a weak little cloud of smoke and be able to inhale the full cloud before it gets to high, you can compete and see who can make the biggest cloud to

    hope you like the game, i got my zuit suite on
    enjoy the game
    peace gc
  2. Haha will try. Bong water is tasty anyways yummmm.
  3. haha sorry man i gota disagree with that, i lost a round because we had ice and it all melted and i dident realize how much the water rose because i was hella baked and i got some in my mouth, it was terrible
  4. umm why would you risk wasting good weed?? but if its fun for you then go right ahead my friend!

  5. I can't go a day without a nice cool glass of bong water. Goes good with pancakes.
  6. hahaha dude thats disgusting lol! i hope your joking!
  7. #8 GuttedJester, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    no weed gets wasted? what are you talking about

    the small cloud of smoke is intended to be inhaled.... all of the smoke that is the point in the game, even if someone fails at it, not much weed would be wasted

    edit: maybe you are reading something wrong, but the way i played it, the only smoke that ever got wasted was equal or less to the smoke that would rise from a bowl after someone is done taking a hit and less then 1/8th of the bowl is still lit

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