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New Signaure!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokinSmoker420, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. This guy sounds amazing...New signature you like it!!!???

    P.S......This is the MOST retarded thread.....YOU will EVER read.....:hello:


    P.S.S.S...........Thats all.
  2. This is not retarded at all. This is my new sig as well.
  3. Hahaha the ironic part is I am on runescape right now, barely play anymore though
  4. Holy shit that was funny...Had ti read it twice to get it but once i got it i kinda...crapped my pants a lil...:eek:
  5. Good shit, not gonna lie. I prefer that artistic shit though haha. :cool:
  6. Thanks for the posts guys:hello: I think everyone should make this their sig its...beatuiful:smoke: just like sweet ol' Mary Jane.
  7. Lol just changed it. And yeah RS was cool back in the day....if you botted.
  8. I remember making it my one and only destiny to report bots on R.S. that would be my daily goal on R.S. haha...:cool:
  9. Holy shit ive already gotten two people too change their sig...I'm glad i posted this thread :cool:...:hello:
  10. I'm...I'm so confused. What's going on now?
  11. Your changing your sig
  12. Thats pretty cool, but i dont want to be like everyone else hahaha :smoke:

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