New Signature

Discussion in 'General' started by Stoner420Chick, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. I got bored and figured I'd make myself a sig. Keep in mind that it was made in paint, this computer doesn't have Photoshop on it otherwise I would have made something a lot better. This ones not too bad for the time being, IMO. What do you guys think?
  2. you should use a real blunt pic(if u made it in photoshop)
  3. Yea I know, but it's really hard to do in paint. Any picture that I want to add in would have the white background around it and then when I tried doing the spill paint thing to the background there would still be bits of white along the edge of the image making it look terrible.
  4. Looks very nice for something made in paint, GJ :D

    I like stoner chicks :)

  5. I always knew it!!!!

  6. Mitch The Bitch!

    Lol :(
  7. It's good for paintshop.
  8. you can zoom in and fill in all the white pixels. it works but its way time consuming
  9. EP why don't you make her a sig you lazy bastard
  10. Pretty cool sig.
  11. So I got totally bored and decided i wanted to try and get accquainted with GIMP so fiddled with your sig to make this

    i get way too bored. use it if you want
  12. That ones pretty cool. I'll use that instead :)
  13. Nice Sig! Wish i knew how to make em. Dont suppose I could convince you to make one for me? :D
  14. ohhhh I like that one

    EP make me a sig you dirty cunt
  15. Definatly cool, especially for Paint.

    I hate paint :(
  16. Any particular theme or quotes or anything? Can't garuntee anything but i'm sure i'll get bored of studying soon enough
  17. I am a huge fan of the movies half baked and dazed and confused :). To me its like the oldschool and new school ways. Would be awesome.
  18. Actually I changed it to one that Buzzard made for me:hello:

    Mine was ok, but it was nothing special. It was made in Paint.

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