New Sheldon Black Gettin High

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by BackInTheDaze., Sep 28, 2010.

  1. I got this Sunday at my local shop for $180. Its 5mm thick and is 19" tall. Hits so smooth.

    Attached Files:

  2. Did u get that from capital hemp by chance?
  3. That looks almost exactly like the 22" I just picked up. Not a Sheldon Black but otherwise identical
  4. No only one store in my state sells these. Nice Dreams.
  5. thats a fucking sick logo, nice pick up man.
  6. in virginia by chance?

    edit: if SBs arent amazing enough, that getting high label is the shit
  7. no idea what stores in va sells them check there website.
  8. That is an awsome decal/design on the bong. And the slide is pretty dope. :smoke:
  9. Dude Sheldon Black is fucking classy. Nice tube.
  10. oh i was just asking because theres a nice dreams in virginia that recently picked up some sheldon blacks. i think there are only 3 or so now out of maybe 10 a month ago.
  11. [​IMG]
    very similar design to the bottle on the right.
    same artist perhaps? =)

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