NEW SG Gridded gridline

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by m6a6t6t, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. heres my SG





    [ame=]YouTube - Sovereignty mini gridline gridded[/ame]
  2. Sick piece man... Gridded is always cool, my dealer has a gridded PHX, and I know that works extremely well -- so I'm sure your SG works even better!
  3. oooo, so dirty, love the SG. keep that shit clean though homeboy! i'm just fucking with you haha. nice pickup, is it your first stemless?
  4. ohh man nice..looks disguising though you should probably clean that out
  5. Very nice piece man, I hope to own an SG one day... and watch your hair on that hakko!!!!
  6. thanks everybody i lvoe the sg i keep it clean just happens to be dirty when i take vids .... :/ ill take some cleaner ones tonite n put em up ...just been really busy lately
  7. I love that SG man, so classy. How much did it run you?

    I'm in the 757 so not to far off, got my Volcano from Kulture. :)
  8. for like 240 something after tax .... they have diffy to 8arms too
  9. #9 SG-Lover, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    aight man..please call it the right name! It's a STEMLINE for fucks sake. The doods at Kulture are a bunch of stooges that over-price the HELL out of their tubes. Hell, they even have it FIXED in their minds that they sold you a gridline..hahaha what a JOKE. Don't be fooled man, I have bought two stemlines from CGC direct and I know for fact Steve (SG) calls them STEMLINES. I have one with the grids facing up, and one with the grids facing down. It's basically a gridded inline. A stubby looking inline, but that's what it is.

    A gridline is a whole new clean yourself up!

    lulz at a phx EVER having gridded anything :hello:
    and lulz at you for thinking this is a stemless tube

    WHY! why must GC have sooo many newbs :confused:
  10. Does anyone else find it ironic that the cops try to prevent the sale of drug paraphernalia, and yet they take a cut of the sale in tax anyway?

    anyways, thats a sick ass bong dude. ive wanted to get a gridded downstem for a while now.. but its so fuckin expensive, for just a downstem. you should try to get a short one of the gridded downstem for that too.. that would just be insaneeeee. and slap on that inline ash catcher i see in the background of one of your pics! ahh that would be so smooth i imagine. clean milk milk milk!
  12. wow...classic GC 'blade' right there^^^ :p even calling me a fag, how cute.

    and lulz at you for thinking its a downstem. Its a FIXED downstems needed. A nice dry AC is always nicefor milking it fat and keeping the most flavor. :hello:

  13. Do you have to be so condescending to everyone? Jesus christ man, give them a break. Maybe you should kindly provide them with the correct information instead of talking down to them and acting as though they are morons... Just a thought...
  14. yes, but you COULD put a downstem in there.. ive done if before adds hell of a lot more diffusion.

    and beautiful of you to use the word cute.
  15. Already did, posted in the kulture thread and even made an SG thread...showed pics of what the gridlines looks like. Even posted what a gridline looks like in the kulture thread.

    I'm not doing it a 3rd time for you nubs :p
  16. oh word, so you have ripped a SG stemline? :rolleyes:

    the diffuser would just impede the flow of the stemlines diffusion. You would be much better off with a dry AC. Most flavor, biggest rips...DONE

  17. Sick piece op, I love the stemlines with splashguards.

    Whats the bore of the tube?

    yeah, yeah, we get it. Stop hijacking op's thread.
  18. #18 m6a6t6t, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    thanks digital loving the new SG so much
    thanks for clarifying that its a stemline ....

    and btw is a small bore like the size of a toro trashcatcher
  19. good shit man, and thats a really nice price too, if i had the cash i would pick one of those up fo sho
  20. hell yeh im saving up to buy the other one its a lil bit of a bigger bore and just has ice pinches no splashguard

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